How to flash CM11s on to your Chinese OnePlus One

oneplus one cyanogen

If you have bitten the bullet and decided to buy the Chinese version of the OnePlus One, your next step will likely to remove colorOS and flash CM11s on the phone here is how.

As we have pointed out in the past, one of the major differences between the Chinese and International OnePlus One phones is the operating system. The Chinese OPO ships with Oppo’s ColorOS based on Android 4.3, while the global version ships with CyanogenMod 11s based on Android 4.4.2.

ColorOS is the same system that ships on the Oppo Find 7, and has some great features. I, and others, would even go so far to say ColorOS has more in the way of features when compared to CM11S (check out the links above), but as it’s a Chinese ROM it only supports Chinese and English and doesn’t have Google services installed which means a ROOT.

Download CM11S for the Chinese OnePlus One

Once you have decided you want the full OnePlus experience on your OPO and want to flash to CM11S you are going to want to download a CyanogenMod 11S factory image.

Being open source you can download the CM11S factory images directly from the CyanogenMod website. These CM11S factory images include Google Services. There are 3 to choose from, for this how to I used the first ROM option: Once download you can begin with the flashing process.

How to flash CM11s on to your Chinese OnePlus One

Warning! Although this process is very simple there is the risk of bricking your device. If you are not 100% happy doing this yourself then turn back now. GizChina won’t be held responsible for damaged caused to your device.

Before you begin we also suggest you make a back up of anything you want to keep from your phone. Follow these steps to flash CyanogenMod 11S to the Chinese OnePlus One;

  1. flash cm11s on chinese oneplus oneMove the CM11S ROM you downloaded above to the ROOT of your phone. In this case I have named the file ‘’.
  2. Turn off your OnePlus One
  3. When the power is off hold the Power button and Volume down (volume -) buttons together.
  4. Enter recovery mode.
  5. flash cm11s on chinese oneplus oneChoose ‘English’.
  6. Wipe data and cache (backup anything you don’t want to loose) and choose ‘Yes’.flash cm11s on chinese oneplus one
  7. Once the cache is cleared go back to the recovery page and choose ‘Install from SD’
  8. flash cm11s on chinese oneplus oneChoose the file and install, and ‘Yes’ to install.
  9. flash cm11s on chinese oneplus oneThe OPO should now start to update to CyanogenMod 11s.
  10. flash cm11s on chinese oneplus oneOnce installed the OPO should reboot showing the Cyanogen logo and ‘Powered by Android’
  11. flash cm11s on chinese oneplus oneYou are now running CyanogenMod 11S Congratulations!
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The whole process should only take a few minutes and is much simple than the number of steps might suggest. Now that you have CM11S on your OnePlus One you can log in to your Google account and enjoy all the same features as the Global version of the OnePlus One.

I hope you found this how to useful. Let me know if you decide to follow it and install CM11S on your Chinese OnePlus One. Also, let us know if you have any tips or alternative methods.

Thanks again to Chinese reseller Lenteen for supplying our OnePlus One. Visit their sites:

Disclaimer: We may be compensated by some of the companies whose products we talk about, but our articles and reviews are always our honest opinions. For more details, you can check out our editorial guidelines and learn about how we use affiliate links.

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  1. Ray Quest
    July 1, 2014

    will this work for FIND 7 QHD INTERNATIONAL VERSION ? ANDY

    • July 1, 2014

      It’s not designed for the Find 7 or the resolution of the phone. I don’t believe it would work.

  2. Sathish Guru
    July 1, 2014

    Will these Stores ship to India?

    • July 2, 2014

      I imagine they will, you should contact them to find out

    • Ignacio Navarro de Corcuera
      July 4, 2014

      Sathish, we have the phone on stock. Send us email to for more information. Best regards

  3. Ray Quest
    July 1, 2014

    will this work for FIND 7 QHD INTERNATIONAL VERSION ? ANDY

    • Andi Sykes
      July 1, 2014

      It’s not designed for the Find 7 or the resolution of the phone. I don’t believe it would work.

  4. Sathish Guru
    July 1, 2014

    Will these Stores ship to India?

    • Andi Sykes
      July 2, 2014

      I imagine they will, you should contact them to find out

    • Ignacio Navarro de Corcuera
      July 4, 2014

      Sathish, we have the phone on stock. Send us email to for more information. Best regards

  5. Michał Sobolewski
    July 2, 2014

    hey Andi, I got myself OnePlus of China and flashed it with both CM11S and some regular CM11 nightlies bacon’s. Everything seems perfect but the GPS performance. When i try to run some navigation software, be it Google Maps for instance, GPS locks at start then unlocks and fails to get a fix ever since. I wonder it this is specific issue to my piece of HW, or maybe global issue atm for OnePlus Ones. Would You mind running some GPS tests on Your OPO and see if navigating works fine or if You face similiar issues? Would apreciate that a lot! Thanks!

    Ive found that when im on mobile data, GPS for some reason isnt locking/fixing, BUT when i turn the mobile data OFF, or when im on WIFI network, GPS locks fine… anyone ever faced similiar issues?

    • July 2, 2014

      That is very interesting, I will certainly test this thanks for the heads up.

      • Michał Sobolewski
        July 2, 2014

        Thanks. Looking forward to hear back from You!

    • The Waffler
      October 23, 2014

      I’ve got a similar issue with my stock ColorOS 1+1; it seems to continuously switch between GPS and mobile network location. This manifests itself as the location indicator moving between apparent locations, on the map display. (I haven’t tried switching off mobile data.)

  6. Michał Sobolewski
    July 2, 2014

    hey Andi, I got myself OnePlus of China and flashed it with both CM11S and some regular CM11 nightlies bacon’s. Everything seems perfect but the GPS performance. When i try to run some navigation software, be it Google Maps for instance, GPS locks at start then unlocks and fails to get a fix ever since. I wonder it this is specific issue to my piece of HW, or maybe global issue atm for OnePlus Ones. Would You mind running some GPS tests on Your OPO and see if navigating works fine or if You face similiar issues? Would apreciate that a lot! Thanks!

    Ive found that when im on mobile data, GPS for some reason isnt locking/fixing, BUT when i turn the mobile data OFF, or when im on WIFI network, GPS locks fine… anyone ever faced similiar issues?

    • Andi Sykes
      July 2, 2014

      That is very interesting, I will certainly test this thanks for the heads up.

    • Michał Sobolewski
      July 2, 2014

      Thanks. Looking forward to hear back from You!

    • The Waffler
      October 23, 2014

      I’ve got a similar issue with my stock ColorOS 1+1; it seems to continuously switch between GPS and mobile network location. This manifests itself as the location indicator moving between apparent locations, on the map display. (I haven’t tried switching off mobile data.)

  7. Toufic Abidi
    July 5, 2014

    Is it work with 64 Go ?
    Then with this install the OTA update will work ?

    Best regard.

    • Tim Budong
      July 6, 2014

      Yes it does. Just took did it.

  8. Toufic Abidi
    July 5, 2014

    Is it work with 64 Go ?
    Then with this install the OTA update will work ?

    Best regard.

    • Guest
      July 6, 2014

      Yes it does. Just took did it.

  9. Aakash Sharma
    July 6, 2014

    will the device still get OTA updates?

  10. Aakash Sharma
    July 6, 2014

    will the device still get OTA updates?

    • Yash Garg
      July 11, 2014


  11. Erik Henrique
    July 9, 2014

    bought a plus one site where you indicated lenteen, and he already came with Cm11 only now has a date available and he did not want to upgrade, you know what I could do?

  12. Erik Henrique
    July 10, 2014

    bought a plus one site where you indicated lenteen, and he already came with Cm11 only now has a date available and he did not want to upgrade, you know what I could do?

  13. 4p9xD
    July 11, 2014

    I did it exactly like that and followed every step.
    I am missing my mobile Internet now and can not write SMS or call someone. Anybody got the same issue or anyone able to help?
    Tank you very much!

    • July 11, 2014

      Did you add the APN for your carrier? This might be needed also.

      • 4p9xD
        July 11, 2014

        Well, I suppose my APN are right.
        Could the APN also cause the loss of cell reception?

        • 4p9xD
          July 11, 2014

          I solved my Problem.
          >>> If any Problems with your device occur after flashing with this fast version, try flashing Cyanogenmod 11 with your Computer and fastboot. It will take longer, but the Problems will dissapear.
          Best regards

          • James
            July 13, 2014

            how to flash it with computer?

            • Sam - Jakarta
              September 30, 2014

              Hi, same issue here. no phone calls after CM11. How to solve it?

          • Eliav Ben Zaken
            October 3, 2014

            i have the same problem, how do i flash the fastboot

  14. Guest
    July 11, 2014

    I did it exactly like that and followed every step.
    I am missing my mobile Internet now and can not write SMS or call someone. Anybody got the same issue or anyone able to help?
    Tank you very much!

    • Andi Sykes
      July 11, 2014

      Did you add the APN for your carrier? This might be needed also.

    • Guest
      July 11, 2014

      Well, I suppose my APN are right.
      Could the APN also cause the loss of cell reception?

    • Guest
      July 11, 2014

      I solved my Problem.
      >>> If any Problems with your device occur after flashing with this fast version, try flashing Cyanogenmod 11 with your Computer and fastboot. It will take longer, but the Problems will dissapear.
      Best regards

    • James
      July 13, 2014

      how to flash it with computer?

    • Guest
      September 30, 2014

      Hi, same issue here. no phone calls after CM11. How to solve it?

    • Eliav Ben Zaken
      October 3, 2014

      i have the same problem, how do i flash the fastboot

  15. jolu
    July 12, 2014

    I downloaded cm-11.0-XNPH25R from the website you gave us.

    But when I try to flash it I get ‘failed’. I’m using twrp recovery.

    Any help?

  16. para_atot
    July 12, 2014

    Hi guys, cyanogen deleted the third link! notice the zip name from this guide is different from the link, the link has the extra word “fastboot”, the fastboot version won’t work if you just use colorOS stock recovery, the fastboot version requires additional complex steps like unlocking bootloader, install TWRP, rooting then using nexus toolkit to use boot commands..if you still want the flash using the this simple guied, download the rom here lets hope cyanogen doesnt take out that link! took me couple of hours to figure this out so i save one for you, cookie pls 🙂

    • Panipak Aroonsiri
      September 22, 2014

      Have anyone got problem with 3G and 4G network connection? How to fix it?

    • heri setiawan
      December 27, 2014

      hello i cant open the link that you share, please help

  17. jolu
    July 12, 2014

    I downloaded cm-11.0-XNPH25R from the website you gave us.

    But when I try to flash it I get ‘failed’. I’m using twrp recovery.

    Any help?

  18. Guest
    July 12, 2014

    Hi guys, cyanogen deleted the third link! notice the zip name from this guide is different from the link, the link has the extra word “fastboot”, the fastboot version won’t work if you just use colorOS stock recovery, the fastboot version requires additional complex steps like unlocking bootloader, install TWRP, rooting then using nexus toolkit to use boot commands..if you still want the flash using the this simple guied, download the rom here lets hope cyanogen doesnt take out that link! took me couple of hours to figure this out so i save one for you, cookie pls 🙂

    • Panipak Aroonsiri
      September 22, 2014

      Have anyone got problem with 3G and 4G network connection? How to fix it?

    • heri setiawan
      December 27, 2014

      hello i cant open the link that you share, please help

  19. Repairman
    July 23, 2014

    Hi you guys,
    I’ll managed to find the proper and latest CM11S build in .zip-format for us to use with recovery mode 🙂 You’ll find it here:
    Happy flashing…I know I will 😉

  20. Guest
    July 23, 2014

    Hi you guys,
    I’ll managed to find the proper and latest CM11S build in .zip-format for us to use with recovery mode 🙂 You’ll find it here:
    Happy flashing…I know I will 😉

  21. Ritabrata Sarkar
    July 24, 2014

    Hi,I just ordered a chiense OPO with color os,I would like to flash CM11s in it.So is it neccessary to unlock the bootloader.Can’t I just copy n paste the file and then install it?

    • Andy
      August 7, 2014

      same with me….im tryin but failed

  22. Ritabrata Sarkar
    July 24, 2014

    Hi,I just ordered a chiense OPO with color os,I would like to flash CM11s in it.So is it neccessary to unlock the bootloader.Can’t I just copy n paste the file and then install it?

    • Andy
      August 7, 2014

      same with me….im tryin but failed

  23. Andy
    August 7, 2014

    hi guys, im just buying oneplus one china and tryin to upgrade color os to cm11s. and the problem is in cant install the rom in fastboot mode, it said failed to install, im using xpnh25r version, is there must be on rooted 1st ??

    • August 7, 2014

      You don’t need fast boot mode. Make sure you are using the correct ROM also

  24. Niko
    August 7, 2014

    I am in australia and bought OPO on ebay a chinese version with colorOS,and tried your method first ,but failed so then after so many attempts did it with OnePLus one toolkit.I wish i had that CM11s without fastboot …lol.But to the positive i learned something new .Other aussie buyers beware if your on TPG or optus ,after flashing CM11s i am losing constantly conection to the network and did not have any problems with ColorOS.Tried to go back to ColoeOS but no hope.If any one knows how to do it and go back to ColoeOS please advice….cheeers

  25. Andy
    August 7, 2014

    hi guys, im just buying oneplus one china and tryin to upgrade color os to cm11s. and the problem is in cant install the rom in fastboot mode, it said failed to install, im using xpnh25r version, is there must be on rooted 1st ??

    • Andi Sykes
      August 7, 2014

      You don’t need fast boot mode. Make sure you are using the correct ROM also

  26. Guest
    August 7, 2014

    I am in australia and bought OPO on ebay a chinese version with colorOS,and tried your method first ,but failed so then after so many attempts did it with OnePLus one toolkit.I wish i had that CM11s without fastboot …lol.But to the positive i learned something new .Other aussie buyers beware if your on TPG or optus ,after flashing CM11s i am losing constantly conection to the network and did not have any problems with ColorOS.Tried to go back to ColoeOS but no hope.If any one knows how to do it and go back to ColoeOS please advice….cheeers

  27. Steven Davies
    August 9, 2014

    Does installing CS11 make it usable on all bands in the US?

  28. Guest
    August 9, 2014

    Does installing CS11 make it usable on all bands in the US?

  29. Ritabrata Sarkar
    August 15, 2014

    @ Andi Sykes,,,, should I unlock the bootloader before upgrading to CM11s from color os? I will use cm-11.0-XNPH22 R bacon I get OTA update after upgrading to CM11s through your process? please reply

    • Jimbo
      August 27, 2014

      I upgraded to CM11s from color os using this quick method and I have NOT got any of the OTA updates.
      My phone is also constantly dropping 3g internet and phone signal. So my phone is pretty much unusable.

      • Sam - Jakarta
        September 30, 2014

        Hi, i just upgraded from Color OS to CM11. same here, my phone signal dops in 10 seconds. its pretty much unsuable now. any suggestions.

        • Eliav Ben Zaken
          October 3, 2014

          i have the same problem

          • Sefyu Rozay
            December 1, 2015

            the same problem did you find a solution

        • Sefyu Rozay
          December 1, 2015

          hi did you find a solution ? i’ve the same problem with my OPO 64g

      • Sefyu Rozay
        December 1, 2015

        hi my friend did you find a solution ?

  30. Ritabrata Sarkar
    August 15, 2014

    @ Andi Sykes,,,, should I unlock the bootloader before upgrading to CM11s from color os? I will use cm-11.0-XNPH22 R bacon I get OTA update after upgrading to CM11s through your process? please reply

    • Guest
      August 27, 2014

      I upgraded to CM11s from color os using this quick method and I have NOT got any of the OTA updates.
      My phone is also constantly dropping 3g internet and phone signal. So my phone is pretty much unusable.

    • Guest
      September 30, 2014

      Hi, i just upgraded from Color OS to CM11. same here, my phone signal dops in 10 seconds. its pretty much unsuable now. any suggestions.

    • Eliav Ben Zaken
      October 3, 2014

      i have the same problem

    • Sefyu Rozay
      December 1, 2015

      the same problem did you find a solution

    • Sefyu Rozay
      December 1, 2015

      hi did you find a solution ? i’ve the same problem with my OPO 64g

    • Sefyu Rozay
      December 1, 2015

      hi my friend did you find a solution ?

  31. Ritabrata Sarkar
    August 16, 2014

    I have just updated my OPO with Cm11s … it works just awsmmmm 🙂 🙂

    • Zeeshan Safdar
      August 19, 2014

      hello did you find an answer for your question? i was wondering if i need to unlock bootloader before i upgrade from color os to cm11s

  32. Ritabrata Sarkar
    August 16, 2014

    I have just updated my OPO with Cm11s … it works just awsmmmm 🙂 🙂

    • Zeeshan Safdar
      August 19, 2014

      hello did you find an answer for your question? i was wondering if i need to unlock bootloader before i upgrade from color os to cm11s

  33. Zeeshan Safdar
    August 19, 2014

    do i need to unlock bootloader to install CM 11S or will it be okay to just follow through the instructions on this post?

  34. Zeeshan Safdar
    August 19, 2014

    do i need to unlock bootloader to install CM 11S or will it be okay to just follow through the instructions on this post?

  35. Faizan Rasool
    September 21, 2014


    Can You Please Tell Me How To Update Oneplus One From CM 11S 25R To CM 11S 30O Or 33R. I Try With The Same Method You Told ( Without Wipe data and cache ) But It Always Gave Me Status 7 Error 🙁

  36. Guest
    September 21, 2014


    Can You Please Tell Me How To Update Oneplus One From CM 11S 25R To CM 11S 30O Or 33R. I Try With The Same Method You Told ( Without Wipe data and cache ) But It Always Gave Me Status 7 Error 🙁

  37. sam - Jakarta
    September 30, 2014

    I bought opo last week from China for use in Indonesia, upgarded to CM11 from colour os. Now there is no phone signal. Tried to reboot CM 11 and even change SIM card, still phone signal drops within a few minutes of reboot. Any suggestions / advise. Thx

    • heri setiawan
      December 27, 2014

      hello sam, so you upgraded to cm11 with following this step only? is that work? or we also need to unlock bootloader or anything? hope you can help me, thanks terimakasih

  38. Guest
    September 30, 2014

    I bought opo last week from China for use in Indonesia, upgarded to CM11 from colour os. Now there is no phone signal. Tried to reboot CM 11 and even change SIM card, still phone signal drops within a few minutes of reboot. Any suggestions / advise. Thx

    • heri setiawan
      December 27, 2014

      hello sam, so you upgraded to cm11 with following this step only? is that work? or we also need to unlock bootloader or anything? hope you can help me, thanks terimakasih

  39. Fairy
    October 29, 2014

    and so.. I bought this Chinese version of 1+1 few days ago, but it comes with CM11. Is there any difference between CM11 and CM11s? do the steps above is applicable for changing ROM from CM11 to CM11s?

  40. Fairy
    October 29, 2014

    and so.. I bought this Chinese version of 1+1 few days ago, but it comes with CM11. Is there any difference between CM11 and CM11s? do the steps above is applicable for changing ROM from CM11 to CM11s?

  41. hamdhoon
    November 18, 2014

    pls mention the cons (disadvantages)of this rom cm11s after flashing to color os.
    i see here many issues posted…so give a positive feedback.

  42. hamdhoon
    November 18, 2014

    pls mention the cons (disadvantages)of this rom cm11s after flashing to color os.
    i see here many issues posted…so give a positive feedback.

  43. sasha
    December 10, 2014

    after flash can update cyanogen os from OTA?

  44. Guest
    December 10, 2014

    after flash can update cyanogen os from OTA?

  45. Mike
    December 17, 2014

    After download the .zip file is automatically renamed to .apk which I can`t rename. How to continue?

  46. Christophe Hollebeke
    December 17, 2014


    I have a Chinese One+ and try to install CM11 from this site:
    But it didn’t work.
    The error on my device is Install failed. I try it several time but with noting helps!!!
    My device is a 16GB One+One with Coor OS.

    Who can help me.

    I search the net and see several movies on youtube but nothings help.

    Sorry for my bad english

  47. Guest
    December 17, 2014

    After download the .zip file is automatically renamed to .apk which I can`t rename. How to continue?

  48. Christophe Hollebeke
    December 17, 2014


    I have a Chinese One+ and try to install CM11 from this site:
    But it didn’t work.
    The error on my device is Install failed. I try it several time but with noting helps!!!
    My device is a 16GB One+One with Coor OS.

    Who can help me.

    I search the net and see several movies on youtube but nothings help.

    Sorry for my bad english

  49. Eduardo Di Carluccio
    December 25, 2014

    Can i have the direct download link forma the cm11s forma the Oneplus one china edition? This not run…please help me!!

    • Jalen Ong
      December 29, 2014

      I just successfully converted mine. For those who need help with the conversion, just email me at

  50. Eduardo Di Carluccio
    December 26, 2014

    Can i have the direct download link forma the cm11s forma the Oneplus one china edition? This not run…please help me!!

    • Jalen Ong
      December 29, 2014

      I just successfully converted mine. For those who need help with the conversion, just email me at

  51. heri setiawan
    December 27, 2014

    hello since the step you share its like very easy, i want to ask something before flash cm11s on to my chinese oneplus one, do i need to unlock bootloader? do i need to install custom recovery? hope you can help, thanks

  52. heri setiawan
    December 27, 2014

    hello since the step you share its like very easy, i want to ask something before flash cm11s on to my chinese oneplus one, do i need to unlock bootloader? do i need to install custom recovery? hope you can help, thanks

  53. Jalen Ong
    December 29, 2014

    I just successfully converted mine. For those who need help with the conversion, just email me at

  54. Jalen Ong
    December 29, 2014

    I just successfully converted mine. For those who need help with the conversion, just email me at

  55. jbm59er
    December 30, 2014

    Hi, I started following this process, but after about three seconds that the installation started, it stopped and there was a message “Installation failed”. Is there some setting I need to change before, like the debugging?

  56. Guest
    December 30, 2014

    Hi, I started following this process, but after about three seconds that the installation started, it stopped and there was a message “Installation failed”. Is there some setting I need to change before, like the debugging?

  57. cabomba
    January 8, 2015

    Just to share, the one on the website with fastboot zip files doesn’t work, download from here instead:

    It isn’t the latest version of cyanogen but once installed, it will do incremental updates to the latest one.

  58. Guest
    January 9, 2015

    Just to share, the one on the website with fastboot zip files doesn’t work, download from here instead:

    It isn’t the latest version of cyanogen but once installed, it will do incremental updates to the latest one.

  59. Timo
    January 24, 2015

    The above no longer works, even with the correct file. I am located in China and this is the procedure that works:

  60. Guest
    January 24, 2015

    The above no longer works, even with the correct file. I am located in China and this is the procedure that works:

  61. Jiraya Ziane
    May 4, 2017

    folowing your guide.brick my oneplus one fuck you

  62. Jiraya Ziane
    May 5, 2017

    folowing your guide.brick my oneplus one fuck you