Meizu Pro 6 Plus teased for June 30th launch

meizu pro 6 plus teaser

Meizu’s launch schedule has a new date with the Pro 6 Plus now teased to make an appearance on the 30th June.

As for specs, well Meizu haven’t made a peep about what the Pro 6 Plus will be running, but from earlier reports it is largely believed the new phone will feature a larger (than 5.2-inch) display with a 2K resolution.

The rest of the phone should follow what the current Pro 6 has to offer including a Helio X25 chipset, 21 mega-pixel rear camera, and 4GB RAM (although a 6GB RAM version is also believed to exist).

Rumour has it that the Meizu Pro 6 Plus will be launched alongside the Meizu Metal 2 (spotted at TENAA earlier today). The Metal 2 is purported to get a Helio P10 chipset, 5.5-inch FHD display and 4000mAh battery.

Thanks to Simon for the tip.

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  1. Sere83
    May 31, 2016

    ‘The rest of the phone should follow what the current Pro 6 has to offer including a Helio X25 chipset, 21 mega-pixel rear camera’….DOA

  2. balcobomber25
    May 31, 2016

    5.5 inch
    Helio X25 or Exnyos 8890 (highly doubt it but never know)
    6GB RAM
    3500-4000 mAh

    • xi7
      May 31, 2016

      2560mah super amoled or 3000mah ips
      6gb ram


      • balcobomber25
        May 31, 2016

        That would make it the most expensive Meizu ever launched. More reasonable and logical price is about $470, or 3099 yuan.

    • Sere83
      June 1, 2016

      What with the failure that is the GPU driver issues on the X25 (which this will probably run) combined with the standard meizu IMX230 implementation and the no doubt flagship prices, this is almost certainly DOA. All the reviews have pointed to pretty weak low light performance, poor panoramas, shaky video with poor light metering and no continuous autofocus on the pro 6. Plus the selfie camera is average at best. Why meizu think they can compete at the top end of the market with lackluster cameras and a cpu with driver issues baffles me. Sad to see meizu slipping, i’m still a fan but at he moment none of their new devices are leading in their class, especially in cameras. M3, M3 Note, Pro 6 and probably MX6, Metal 2 and Pro 6 Plus all looking decidedly average.

      • balcobomber25
        June 1, 2016

        Almost every phone has weak low light photos, even those from Samsung and LG, some are slightly better than others but none of them are great. The sensors are too small for good low light photos no matter the aperture. Overall the camera in the Pro 6 is very good from every review I have read, especially given that it is a $400 phone. Some reviews even say the colors are better and more natural than the overly saturated photos that the Galaxy S7 produces.

        • Sere83
          June 1, 2016

          I thought the android headlines review was weak, wasn’t in depth at all, was super fluffy, guy didnt even seem like a pro reviewer, no real rigorous testing or comparisons. The gsmarena review was much better and more thorough and highlighted the shortcomings much better. While it is cheaper than some flagships the 64GB pro 6 is upwards of $520+ without shipping on reseller sites, not far off the price of an LG G5 in some countries. Thing is i wasn’t expecting miracles but when you see lowlight photos from the S7 or 6S plus or G5 or even the Mi5 the difference becomes obvious. Its not just low light either its video capture, exposure, panoramas etc, all seems average at best for a flagship on the pro 6. And as much as i think the mi5 was a flop from what i have seen i still think its probably better than the pro 6 in terms of camera all things considered. The only area where it may lose out slightly is in still images in well lit environments. Would have preferred Meizu charged even more but included a proper flagship camera cos despite the lower price there are a few other phones at similar price points looking far more promising.

          • balcobomber25
            June 1, 2016

            Ahh so the one that didn’t agree with your opinion was “weak”, got it. As for the price, comanies design phones based on retail prices not reseller prices. Meizu doesn’t make any of that extra money a reseller charges. The Mi5 camera is not good at all, it’s average at best and no better than this one.

            • Sere83
              June 1, 2016

              lol, no it was weak because it wasn’t in depth or thorough enough not because i didn’t agree with it. You even read them both? You’d have to be be pretty deluded to not see that gsmarena’s testing methods are far more rigorous. Again from what I have seen the mi5 camera seems a lot better in video and low light and I expect in terms of auto focus, speed, light balance it will be slightly better too, most meizu phones have problems with exposure and light balance. Although the mi5 build is horrendous and its ugly as sin. Of course meizu doesn’t design with reseller prices in mind, but it still effects people out side of china looking to buy. They also doesn’t design phones that challenge proper flagships which is disappointing.

            • balcobomber25
              June 1, 2016

              I’ve personally used the Mi5 camera it’s worse than the Mi4. Android Headlines does very good reviews, a review doesn’t have to be 15 pages to be good.

            • Sere83
              June 2, 2016

              Lol, I find that very hard to believe. It’s not about the length its what they talk about, the specifics and details of the review and the credibility of the experience of the reviewers. Gsmarena on the mi5:

              The Xiaomi Mi 5 indeed resolves a great deal of detail and the noise levels are kept reasonably low. The white balance accurate, and we are quite fond of the lively color rendition. The dynamic range is high, which lately becomes a must for a flagship camera. Overall the processing is really mature and we consider those samples among the best 16MP ones we’ve seen so far.

              The foliage is way better than the mess we saw on the Galaxy S7/S7 edge with more resolved detail and distinctive shapes even on the tiniest of grass and trees’ blossoms. The green color is more accurate, too.

              GSMArena has 10 years more experience reviewing devices than android headlines for a start and is also ranked in the top 400 most sites visited websites in the world, must be doing something right eh?

            • balcobomber25
              June 2, 2016

              Never said GSM Arena was bad but Android Headlines does some excellent reviews. Just because that one particular one didn’t fit in with your viewpoint doesn’t mean they aren’t a respectable site when it comes to reviews.

              If we are going to use website rankings and age to determine which review sites are best, then I guess we should forget about every other website and just use Cnet. They are 167 on Alexa and have been around for 22 years. By your logic that means there reviews (which are usually terrible) are the best in the world. Or does that argument only work in your favor?

            • Sere83
              June 2, 2016

              lol, you keep saying that i disagree with it because it doesn’t fit my viewpoint but i am completely baffled where you get that from, literally plucking it out of thin air, makes no sense at all. I don’t even disagree with everything in the android headlines but the camera part is laughable, he basically says, ‘ive seen better ive seen worse, its not as good as a DSLR’ lol. No actual proper comparisons or in depth detail at all. Its just so blindingly obvious that the GSMAarena review is far more in depth and rigorous that i’m not even going to bother trying to restate this point if you cant see that then that is your own bizarre issue. It covers far more and gives more in depth useful information hence it is a more trustworthy source in my mind and echoes a lot of what other stuff i’ve read or watched said. Android headlines are also known for paying offering paid reviews. Cnet is known to be a joke of a site with little credibility, site hits and years in service isnt the only criteria I judge a websites credibility on.

            • balcobomber25
              June 2, 2016

              It is so blindingly obvious that you don’t like the Pro 6 camera and any review that does will not be good in your eyes. And first you use site hits and years of service as a positive, but when I use it against you it suddenly becomes “not that important”. I used Cnet on purpose because they are a well known site and have been around for years. They are the prime example that website rank and years in the business mean next to nothing when it comes to reviews. At this point best to agree to disagree. To you the Pro 6 has the worst camera ever, to me it is comparable to many other $300-400 flagships.

            • Sere83
              June 2, 2016

              lol again putting words into my mouth, you cherry picked cnet the worst site possible to discredit my point, there are many sites with many years experience and many hits that are highly respected also. Hits and years of service can be a positive like I used it and you just used it as a negative, I also never said it was the ONLY judging criteria. Coming back to my original point, the pro 6 camera cant compete with leading flagships this year or a fair few flagships from last year and possibly not even its own flagship from last year the pro 5. These are the facts. Spin it anyway you want to, but it remains a disappointment for me, and a large majority or users who were looking forward to this device irrelevant of price tag. I have yet to see anyone actually be actually impressed with the camera or make a strong case against any of its often highlighted shortcomings (low light photography, video capture, stabilization, exposure issues etc etc)

            • balcobomber25
              June 2, 2016

              Number of hits mean nothing for how good or bad a website is. Cnet proves that. In your conquest to be right you tried to use that argument to your favor. I used Cnet to expose how BS that argument is.

            • Sere83
              June 2, 2016

              So I guess china mobile mag is lying about the camera too yeah?…

            • balcobomber25
              June 2, 2016

              When did I say anyone was lying? Pulling stuff out of thin air again?

            • Sere83
              June 2, 2016

              ahahaha. Literally the guy says the camera is not on par with most flagships and was outshined by the mi5. Exactly what iv’e been saying all along, You miss those bits yeah? You’re actually hilarious…too funny man.

            • balcobomber25
              June 2, 2016

              Only watched until he said pictures were very good. Personally I used the Mi5, G5 and S7. Mi5 is nowhere close to those other flagships. It is so poorly optimized,and this is coming from someone who has owned every Mi phone since the Mi2s. If you love it so much get it. We can both post videos all day long saying one is better than other. Neither of us are going to change our opinions. It’s a waste of time at this point.

            • Joel Adames
              June 4, 2016

              If you believe that as they said it, that the Mi5 is better in anything than the S7 then you’ve got some more forum reading and some more real product grabbing to do.

  3. MaxPower
    May 31, 2016

    Next will be Pro Super the Great.

    • balcobomber25
      May 31, 2016

      I want the Pro Super the Great!

      • MaxPower
        May 31, 2016

        You are a Meizu fan, you would buy even the Meizu Meh

        • balcobomber25
          May 31, 2016

          Not really just a fan of my MX5, only phone I ever used from them. Won’t be buying Pro 6 because it lacks LTE bands for US.

        • Airyl
          June 1, 2016

          I wouldn’t buy the Meh, but I don’t think I could possibly refuse the Pro Super the Great.

    • Muhammad Yasir
      June 1, 2016

      soon there will be LORD Pro 6 , just like Lord Bendtner 😀

      • Joel Adames
        June 4, 2016

        “”oh you don’t know nothing Yasir Snow””…. ???

  4. erictheking87
    June 1, 2016

    Buhahahahaha…. That’s everything I’ve got to say on this matter.

  5. Jan ยาน
    June 1, 2016

    Isn’t 6.33 teasing the screen size?

    • Muhammad Yasir
      June 1, 2016

      thickness i guess??

    • Joel Adames
      June 4, 2016

      Date of release or such…

  6. Joel Adames
    June 4, 2016