iPhone 4G Concept Images

If this is what the new 4G iPhone is going to look like, it may give me reason enough to upgrade from my original 1st generation model.

This concept idea for the upcoming next generation (4th generation) iPhone has a much larger OLED screen than the current 3GS, and supports a similar touch sensitive shell technology as the current Apple Magic Mouse. The touch sensitive shell will be a great addition for gamers who have been complaining that the current on screen controls for games have hindered playability. It will also allow app developers access to new control areas current iPhones aren’t capable of.

Other expected hardware upgrades are a 1Ghz dual core processor, up to 64Gb of built in memory and a 5 megapixel auto focus camera with an LED flash for low light picture shoots.

It won’t be long until Apple actually releases solid info on the 4th generation iPhone, I just hope that the new model follows some of the ideas in this concept.

If you can’t wait for the iPhone 4G’s release you might fancy taking a look at our introduction to one of the current 4G clones on the China market here:

4G iPhone Clones Already On Sale!

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  1. Ash
    March 15, 2010

    I doubt they will use that CPU, otherwise the battery will be dead within 2 hours.

    • March 18, 2010

      2 hours sounds about right for a cheap netbook clone.

  2. Rohleder
    April 10, 2010

    Netter Text übers i-Phone. Bin selbst absoluter Fan davon. Demnächst soll ja auch schon wieder iPhone 4GS erscheinen. Werde mir das dann aber wohl kaum Kaufen, denn Apple bringt das doch etwas zu früh raus..

  3. iphone ohne vertrag
    June 22, 2010

    hi! thats cool! – just one question, do you know if it is possible to use iphone 3g games on the new iphone?