480 Yuan Refundable Bike Boat Conversion

China is said to be ‘The Kingdom of the Bicycle’ we’re guessing the person who wrote that hasn’t seen the increase in cars on the roads nor the number of bicycle related obstacles dotted around the average Chinese town.
One ingenious fellow (plus his rather scared looking girlfriend) seem to have become a little obsessed by the local lake they had to navigate around in order to reach work.
But rather than just living with the, we guess, quite peaceful and relaxing lake side ride, they decided to turn the commute in to something much more fun, dangerous, less relaxing or peaceful.
What you see here is the fruits of what looks like maybe 5 minutes worth of planning and 5 hours worth of bodging.
The rather heavy looking steel framed pink bike has been outfitted with a paddle system, think a more advanced version of a playing card in the spokes for engine sound effects, and 8 water dispenser bottles for flotation! (those bottles actually have a 60RMB deposit on each one and need to be returned in the same state as you got them mate!)

As you can see it floats and seems to be stable on road as long as you keep both your feet firmly on the ground and don’t move!

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