Hanvon recently revealed there Touchpad at the Qingdao stop of the Chinese Electronics Fair. They seem fairly confident that their 10 inch touch screentablet will wipe the floor with Apple’s Ipad in Asia and possibly internationally. We’re not so sure about internationally, but the lure of a tablet running a full O.S and flash for under $500 maybe too appealing for most Chinese techies.
From the outside the appearance is very appealing with an extremely glossy 10inch touch screen. The footprint is practically on par with Ipads but it’s much deeper. The extra depth is due to it’s monstrous 250GB storage, USB ports and SD card reader. It’s practically a netbook sans keyboard and with a much better look and feel.
Tech spec highlights are:
- Intel ULV743 at 1.3GHz
- Intel GMA integrated graphics
- 10-inch multi-touch display
- Windows 7 Home Premium
- 250GB HDD
- Webcam, Bluetooth, HDMI, VGA, USB
We’ll bring you more when the Hanvon Touchpad hits the stores.