The appearnce of this little clone is remarkably close to the real thing.
The as of unnamed Shenzhen manufactured clone does away with the plastic other copies such as the ePad are using in favour of an alloy case, giving the shell a very sturdy feel.
The CPU is an ARM Cortex A8 clocked at 1Ghz, and the O.S is Android 2.1 with an iOS skin to look like the real thing!
The only clues to give it away as a fake on first glance are the fact it has no Applelogo on the back and the the screen only measures 9.7 inches rather than 10.1 on the iPad. Also due to the number of scratches and marks the screen looks to be made of plastic in these photos.
Prototypes are expected to leave the factory next month for field testing, with production models planned by the end of the year.
More news as we get it!
Via: Shanzhaiben