Although Android is a very capable and easy to use operating system there are times that even we wish applications and settings were a little easier at hand, thankfully Android has two very neat built in functions that will not only personalize your Android tablet, but also make it that tiny bit easier to use.
First of all, you want to be on your home screen to make the magic happen. Just press the home button if you’re not sure if you’re on the home screen or not.
Once there press and hold the screen for a second and a few options will pop up (widget, shortcut, wallpaper and possibly more).
If you want to make a shortcut to an application (like a game for example) just choose the Shortcut option and choose the application you want to make a shortcut for.
A Widget is a very lightweight app that is usually always active, like a clock or weather widget. To add one of these to the home screen do the same as above, but choose the ‘Widget’ option instead.
Now that your widgets and shortcuts are on your home screen you can arrange them as you like just by holding down on them and dragging them about.
If you decide you no longer need a widget or shortcut just hold down on the icon as you would if you were to move it, and drag it in to the trash can (which should appear on screen above your home button) don’t worry about deleting these as it will only delete the shortcut not the entire application or widget, so you can easily add them again if you delete the wrong one.
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