If you are the owner of any tablet, Android or iOS, you must have come across the same problems as we have. For example reading on a tablet in direct sunlight is pretty damn tricky, impossible even. Then reading on the bright LCD screen can be a little tiring on the old peepers.
So the solution would be to read on a dedicated ebook reader like a Kindle then with an e-ink display, right? Well no not really as that would make reading at night impossible due to the lack of back lighting.
What would be awesome however would be a hybrid screen which could switch between the 2 technologies, and guess who has the patent…. That’s right Apple.
In a patent filed back in 2009 Apple outlined the use of an e-ink/video screen hybrid touch screen which would take advantage of both technolgies for better reading in sunny conditions and decreased eye strain.
The idea is to add a translucent e-ink screen over the regular video screen but below the touch area creating a king of e-ink sandwich.
It’s not sure if this was just a concept or if such a design will ever become a reality, but it seems Apple has their bases covered in any case.
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