Security experts at Lookout Mobile have detected a new and improved version of the Android malware software known as ‘DroidDream’ which is currently infecting more than 50 apps in the Android store.
The newly named ‘DroidDreamLight’ might sound like a softer younger brother of the original malware, but it is just as infectious and personal data hungry as it’s predecessor!
Some of the apps that have been found to be infected include:
Super StopWatch and Timer, System Info Manager, Floating Image Free and System Monitor, all of which are made by Mango Studio.
The malware hasn’t only attached itself to Mango Studio apps however, and some apps made by Salacious and E.T. Tean have been infected also.
There are sure to be others too! So please check what permissions you are granting to the app when installing and use a little common sense when choosing applications.
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