Chinese Teen Sells His Right Kidney For iPad 2!

chinese teen sell kidney for ipad 2
A Chinese teen has sold his kidney for 20,000 yuan and plans to buy an iPad 2 IF he recovers!

We’ve all heard and used the the expression, “I’d give my right arm for that!” or something similar, but none of us have every really met it. It’s something we say to express how much we want something, so it came as a huge shock to hear news of a 17 year old Chinese student who has actually gone through with selling his right kidney so he can but an iPad 2!

Gizchina News of the week

The student seen in the video below posted online that he was willing to sell his kidney and was promptly contacted by an unknown person in Chenzhou, where his kidney was removed at a hospital.

The teen actually revieved enough money to buy 4 iPad’s, 20,000 Yuan ($3085), but has now become seriously ill due to the extremely risky procedure!

Video below:

Update: Video has been removed!

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Via: Shanzhaiji

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