The ePad was one of the first Android based tablets to launch after the original iPad. Although the ePad set off on a bad start, Zenithink have continued to update and improve the ePad making it a very competent tablet.
The latest version of the ePad, the Z101, replaces the ARM 11 model ePad, ZT-180.
Updates include a new 1Ghz A9 CPU, 512mb of RAM, and up to 32Gb of internal storage (the basic model has 4GB).
Other updates include a front facing camera and 4000mAh battery which should give around 6 hours of use.
The screen is still a 2 finger multi-touch resistive unit with a resolution of 1024 x 600, and there are still plenty of plugs and ports including HDMI our, micro SD card reader and USB, plus also a built in Ethernet port as well as Wi-Fi.