Fake Apple stores are truly ten a penny in China, but those stores in Kunming keep making the headlines. The problem with all that extra exposure they’re getting is that now Apple and the Beijing government are cracking down on the use of the Apple logo so what do theses guys do? Change there names.
The most famous of the fake stores in Kunming has half-hearteldy changed their name to Smartstore, while retaining the Apple logo and store layout. In fact looking at the picture here we can see that they haven’t completely removed all the Apple store signs!

Another fake Apple store has also had a change of heart and name and rebranded themselves as iParty.
What’ts more, as all this fake re-branding goes on with the hopes they’ll somehow get away with still illegally selling Apple products and using the Apple logo and names, Chinese news outlets are reporting that a least 22 more fake Apple stores have been found!
All we can say is that if they’ve all found 22 fake Apple stores they can’t be looking too hard!
By Making Smart Move For The Shit They Have Done, The Store is Aptly named “Smart Store”
By Making Smart Move For The Shit They Have Done, The Store is Aptly named “Smart Store”