1.5 million ChineseApple fans commented on Steve Jobs’ retirement yesterday afternoon on Sina’s Weibo (Twitter), 20% of which say they’ll never buy an Apple product again!
The big news this week is of course Apple related, but the latest big story is a bit different from the usual Apple rumor mongering.
If you hadn’t already heard Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO and one of the companies founders resigned as CEO yesterday, and has now become Chairman of the Board at Apple.
While the news wasn’t entirely unexpected, Steve Jobs has had numerous medical leaves of absence from Apple due to cancer and a liver transplant, the rather sudden news of this resignation as Apple’s CEO has left some Chineseconsumers with a bad taste in their mouths!
1.5 million Sina Weibo uses commented on Steve Jobs leaving his position as CEO yesterday afternoon, causing Sina to create a special ‘Steve Jobs’ page to accept the extra traffic.
While many of the comments left were supportive towards the decision, many ChineseApple fans now feel that Apple could loose it’s soul and are even considering not buying Apple products.
“At this moment, I’m only concerned about Jobs’ health. I wish him good luck in fighting illness and a tranquil period with his family.”
“Go for iPhone 5 as it is the final amazing art work of Steve Jobs.”
“Jobs is like an icon to many people. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to access the world’s advanced technology.”
One online poll asked “Will you buyApple products now Steve Jobs is no longer CEO?” of the poll takers 20% said the would NOT buyApple products now Steve Jobs has left!
“If Jobs eventually leaves Apple, I will not buyApple products any more.”
“Without Jobs, I won’t buy any Apple products, even if they update to iPhone 100.”
“Is Apple still Apple without Steve Jobs ?”
This news is obviously going to reach Apple HQ in California with touch of urgency and concern as Apple see China as it’s fastest growing and most important markets! If 20% of would be consumers are now no longer going to buy Apple, this could be a huge loss for the tech company!