White iPod Touch Found in Chinese Noodle Shop! Is Probably This Year’s Most Fake Blog Post!

white ipod touch 5
Fake white iPod touch story is most pathetic this year!


We get that blogging about gadgets, tablets, the latest Android and Apple devices, is sometimes a competitive mine field, but it doesn’t mean you should resort to making up stories!

white ipod touch fake story
It's just a regular iPod Touch with a white face!


We’ve all heard the now legendary case of a Gawker blog buying an iPhone 4 prototype that was found in a bar, and the latest news revolving around an iPhone 5 prototype claims that too went missing action while at a Tequila bar!

Well the latest story is oh so much more fake than the iPhone 5 story, but a couple of rungs further down on the classy ladder.

This gadget blog based in China, claims that they were eating out at a local noodle shop when they came across a prototype iPod Touch in white!

white ipod touch
They didn't even stick the botton on straight!


Not only doesn’t it sound fishier than cod filled mooncake, but the iPod touch in question just looks like a regular iPod touch with a retrofit white face.

Obviously the article has received a lot of attention, but we would rather see the writer go back to what he is good at.

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  1. Rowdy
    October 11, 2011

    True! The white iPod must be the fakest story of this year! There is no way people can now order one from the Apple store rightaway and it is impossible to buy a 8GB, 16GB and 32GB versions of it. Wow, you subjective writer, you clearly had no clue what you were writing about were you?

  2. katilyn milson
    December 17, 2011

    if ya drop the ipod will it crake