The iPad 2 has been on the market for a while now, and it’s impressive design and specification have had a profound effect on loacal Chinese manufacturers. Just take a look at this latest Android tablet from Shenzhen based Visture!
This year, with the release of the iPad 2, it seems that Chinese tablet makers have taken a different approach at making their Android based rivals, and are manufacturing well made, high specification Android tablets that simply look a bit like the iPad 2.
Take this tablet from Chinese manufacturer Visture!

The overall design has the iPad 2 look, but is different enough for it not to be called an iPad 2 clone.

However, there is a fine line which may have been crossed with the companies V covers which look and work much like the magnetically attached Smartcover by Apple , but take a look at the features the Visture V1 is touting!
- 9.7 inch 1024 x 768 capacitive screen.
- 10 hour battery life.
- Cortex A9 CPU.
- Both 3G and Wi-fi versions available
- Front and rear cameras.
- Micro SD card reader.
- Bluetooth.
- Gingerbread 2.3 operating system.
- Android Market.
- GPS (on 3G model)
- 1080p video playback.
- And of course that V case (which is strikingly similar to the iPad 2’s Smartcover!)
These are some pretty impressive features, built in to a gorgeous looking alloy body! Feature similar to the never released GS30 Android tablet.
The availablility of both a Wi-Fi and seperate 3G model of the Visture V1 tablet really makes this, 10 inch screened digital device stick out from the rest of the Chinese tablet crowd.
We plan to bring you more details of the Visture V1 and the rest of Visture’s including the amazing looking Visture V2 3G tablet, throughout the week!
Want details on how to buy a Visture V1 Android Tablet? Contact us at Gizchina.com for details!
Just wanted to correct you where you say that the GS30 was never released. It has been available for a few months now, but is overpriced and not carried by many wholesalers and retailers. We have sold them before, but do not actively market them. The Visture V1 is a tablet that we have all been waiting for for some time. Glad to see that it is finally coming to market 🙂
Ooopps thanks for the info!
Hi I need tabs like these in bulk orders…like 1000 tabs a year…could you please tell me which is a better option – the GS30 or this Visture V1?
Also how much does the V1 costs?