If like me and you only bought an iPhone 4 a couple of months ago, you will be feeling a little torn about what to do this Friday when the new iPhone 4S is launched. Should I upgrade to the new Siri powered, 8 mega-pixel iPhone? Or not.
But, what if we told you that you can get Siri on your iOS device now, for free! How about them Apples !?What you will actually be downloading is the original Siri ‘voice actions’ application for iOS. The app was originally on the Apple App store but was pulled from sale once Apple bought the developers.
First thing you will need to do is make sure your iOS device is jailbroken, if you don’t know how to do that, have a quick Google search and you will find a way to Jailbreak your iOS device.
Once jailbroken you will need something called Appsync from Cydia (again a quick Google search will help)
Then head over to Gizasia and download the Siri ‘Voice Actions’ applcation. Once downloaded copy the iPA to iTunes then sync your iPhone, iPod or iPad as normal.
Enjoy your new Siri powered iOS device!
Via: Gizasia and Pandaapp
This is not Siri! It’s a hoax. You can get this app anytime iDevices or Android. SCAM!
Oh those dirty scammers! Trying to give to give free advice and a neat function to people! How dare they!!……..
This is not Siri! It’s a hoax. You can get this app anytime iDevices or Android. SCAM!
Oh those dirty scammers! Trying to give to give free advice and a neat function to people! How dare they!!……..
this cool to make someone jealous for a minute or two. but fuly function siri if come available would be more useful and enjoyable.
this cool to make someone jealous for a minute or two. but fuly function siri if come available would be more useful and enjoyable.