Rumors of a mini, micro or just plain old 7-inch iPad crop up from time to time, but with the latest threat to Apple’s dominance, the Amazon Kindle Fire gaining popularity, and the lack of a new iPod at the ‘Let’s Talk iPhone’ keynote a 2 weeks ago, rumors have began to surface once more!
The latest thought’s on what are planning to ward off the Amazon Kindle threat is that they plan to launch a 7-inch version of the iPad, iPad Nano or iPad mini perhaps, early in 2012 which will fall in the sub $200 price bracket.
Ticonderoga Securities’ researcher Brian White came across rumblings in China and Taiwan that suggest Apple is forming a supply chain for a smaller iPad, while also preparing for the all new iPad 3.

“We trust this reduce labelled iPad could be labelled in a mid-to-high-$200 range… We design this will be followed by a most some-more powerful, underline abounding standard-priced iPad 3 in (the second entertain of 2012).”
While the introduction of a cheaper iPad is likely to excite Apple fans the likelyhood of such is still a little unlikely after the remarks the late Steve Jobs made about smaller tablet devices.
Via: Gizasia and Shanzai.com