Apple’s support forums are filling up with iPhone 4S users who have found their new phones to have yellow screens. The yellowing has been described in many diffrent cases and seems to show up as a yellow hue or tint, yellow blotches or yellow lines!
If your iPhone 4S, or in fact white iPod is showing these yellow marks on the screen the first thing to do is not panic!
The original iPhone 4, iPod 4 and iPad 2 all showed the same yellow markings in their screens when they were launched also, and thankfully it is self fixing!
The yellow marking is actually glue, used to bond the glass and touchscreen together, which has not quite finished setting and will usually go away by itself after a day or so once it has completely cured and dried.
Apple are so busy getting the iPhone 4S out of the factories and in to expectant customers hands that the glue hasn’t even finished setting on them by the time they are bought!
But mine iPhone 4S screen is still yellow after!
Some users like Adrian Covert over at Gizmodo has found that his iPhone 4S still looks a little yellow, when compared to the older iPhone 4 screen which is more ‘blue’.

This is again is likely not a fault and actually a change Apple has made to improve the display. Adrian even mentions that;
The 4S screen seemed a bit sharper and more dynamic. And if anything, the viewing angles seemed better (though for the most part, the two phones were equal).
So if you are experiencing a yellow iPhone 4s or iPod screen give it a few days before asking Apple support, but that said you could always ask Siri in the meantime!
Have any of our readers been lucky enough to get an iPhone 4s? Do you have a yellow screen? Let us know in the comments section below!
Yes i have yellowish screen on my iphone 4s
I got iphone 4s befor 1 week and still screen apeare yellow
Please if any one have solution contact me at eng.mehvan@yahoo.com
That sucks hope you get it fixed!
I have ayellow spot on my iphone 4s and it is gone away when i press the screen fromthere and after leaving the screen it comes back what can i do plz plz plz rply me i m worried about it. Rply me on my yahoo id: authentic_9117@yahoo.com