Meizu MX Quad Core Coming May With ICS
As he is known to do on occasion, Jack Wong, Meizu’s CEO, popped on the Meizu forum earlier to address some concerns users have regarding Android the the 32GB Quad-core version of the MX smartphone.
According the JW the MX 32GB quad-core is scheduled for release in May, which we can only guess a what CPU the MX is running (rumors suggest a 1.5GHZ Samsung Quad-core) Jack Wong has also ‘confirmed’ the Quad-core MX will launch with Android 4.0 Ice-cream Sandwich as it’s OS.
Meizu M9 to get Ice-cream Sandwich
Users of the current Meizu M9 are also keeping their fingers crossed with hopes that ICS will also appear on their older M9 hardware.
We have an M9 and can honestly say after a year of use (we got it the day it launched) and what seems like 100’s of beta updates the Gingerbread based OS it is running now is only just working properly ie bug free!
We would be hard pushed to recommend a Meizuphone without trying one, after our poor experience with the M9 (the Xiaomi M1 on the other hand is fantastic!).