The Android HPTouchpaddevelopment continues, but bow the updates are coming on an almost nightly basis thanks to Teamwin.
Teamwin have taken the CyanogenMod 9 Alpha 6 for the TouchPad and synchronized it with the main development of CM9, which means your Android running HPTouchpad is now elgiable for updates on an almost daily basis.
That said most updates will be just be bug fixes or small tweaks so it isn’t necessary to update your Android Touchpad as often as the updates arrive.
To get news of the updates you can follow Teamwin on Twitter, where they will release update details and provide links to the latest CyanogenMod 9 for HPTouchpad ROMs.
How to update to CyanogenMod 9 Nightly Builds
To install the latest updates for CyanogenMod 9 for Touchpad just download the latest zipped file to your Touchpad, reboot into ClockworkMod and choose the option to apply the update. Updating this way will also save your existing settings and user info.