Like a number of Mac users I am looking forward to some point later today when the OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion release is available for download, but rather than drooling over the new features I have my fingers crossed for a bunch of fixes.
I’ve mentioned before that I’m a bit of an Apple fanboy, but my faith in all things Mac has started to falter recently and not for good reason!
In our home we have a fair few Macs ranging from my trusty old G4 Powerbook (Leopard), a G4 Mac Mini (Leopard), a 13.3 inch MacbookPro (Lion) and an 11 inch Air (Lion).
The Pro is my primary computer, the one I have been using for over a year, the one I’m typing this article on and the one computer I have ever owned which has been more trouble than it is worth! And I just hope the looming Mountain Lion release can solve this!!
The Problems with my Macbook Pro Are…
To be honest I don’t have a lot of problems with my 1 year old Pro, but that said I’ve never had ANY problem with my very old Powerbook, the problems I do have thought cause so much trouble that they have really ruined my productivity!
Wi-fi is the big complaint for me with OSX Lion, and the problem seems to be a common with people all over the webs searching for answers such as on this support thread, and this one and this one and this one and ……….
As you can see a fair few of us Lion users are really having connectivity problems! Just last night I spent over an hour just trying to connect to my home Wi-Fi network, a network I have used 1000’s of times before, and a network my iPad, iPhone, Powerbook, Lenovo netbook and MBA all had no trouble seeing or connecting too!
It’s not the first time either as I have had similar problems connecting to coffee shop networks, at clients offices, and to my friend’s home Wi-Fi!
And I’ve tried everything from creating new locations in my Network preferences, resetting the PRAM, resetting the power management, rebooting, turning the router off ….. etc
I Blame Lion!
Booting up is slow, opening any browser is slow, searching the web is slow… It’s a wonder I can get any work done!
Two applications which I use daily, Preview and TextEdit, are ridiculously slow and again I’m not the only one as you can see here, here and here! Once again I have tried everything from terminal codes which should prevent those apps opening previous documents to a clean reinstall!
Will the Mountain Lion Release fix this?
I blame OSX 10.7 Lion for these problems on my Pro, I don’t know why it doesn’t work well on my Macbook while it seems to be faultless on the Macbook Air and I don’t particularly care why as long the OSXMountain Lion release fixes my Pro and let’s me work without stress I’ll be a happy Fanboy once more!
So today I will wait all night to download the $20 update to Mountain Lion if I have to, but not for the latest features like;
- iMessage
- Airplay mirroring
- Siri Dictation
- Facebook integration
- The special features for China
- Gatekeeper
- Notification center
Nope, I’ll be waiting (hoping) to make my MacbookPro run like a Pro again!
Have you had trouble with Lion on your Mac? Will you be updating to Mountain Lion today?
Great post! And couldn’t agree more. Same story here. I hope you post a follow-up so those of us in the same boat can see how it worked out for you.
Hi popo ML is much better from what I’ve seen over the past half day. Today will be the true test though and I’ll let you know how it fares.