Want to join an active community of like-minded Chinese technology fans? What to know which Chinese phone to choose next, or which online Chinese store you can trust? Then join Gizchina Forums!
We’ll I’ve finally done what I have always dreamed of doing and that’s add a forum to Gizchina.com.
The idea behind the Gizchina forums is to give our growing community a place to share news, ideas and experiences with one another with everything to do with Chinese phones, Chinese tablets, technology and where we can buy these products safely online!
As you can see the forum is still very much a work in progress, but I will add new sub-forums for the rest of the week to start filling things out.
To start with however I have added what I think to be the most important forum of all and that is a forum on Chinese online store reviews!
One of the most requested articles I have on Gizchina is a list of trusted online stores you can but Chinese phones, tablets and technology safely, however as I haven’t dealt with all the stores on the web it’s been difficult for me to do, so I have added this forum so that we can share are experiences both good and bad to help each other out.
I have also added a forum where you can suggest what sub-forums be added over the next few weeks, and also a forum where you can request what you would like to see in the next part or my Zopo ZP900 Leader review.
Please feel free to suggest any ideas for the forum and I’ll try to add them as quickly as possible.
So what are you waiting for? Use the registration box below to sign up and get posting on the Gizchina Chinese phones, tablet and technology forums!
Hi andi, I tried to register, but didn’t get the verification email. I also tried “forgot password” but I haven’t received any mail from the forum registration, please kindly look into it 😀 I cannot wait to dwell in the forum
Hi Ivan,
Just sent you a new password 🙂
I have same problem Andi. Can you send me a verification mail plz. Luv this forum idea.
Ok doke, if it’s not in your junk or spam folders send me an email and I’ll get you a new password
Hi, just wait about one hour. Then you will get your verification email as me. 🙂
Hi send me an email and I will get you a new password. Did you check your junk or spam folders?
Yep, even I did not receive the password.
Hi Andi,
I registered and got an email from GizChina but it does not have any password.
The passwords are auto sent to your spam folders so check there before replying here guys.
1. Very good idea since now users alike can discuss how to flash roms unto these Chinese phones and/or tablets. Not readily available to google and get answers in English
2. Users can share ideas and learn what to look for in devices from China
Most important for me.
Yup seems a lot of passwords have been marked as spam, but if you don’t see your password in your spam folder please let me know and I’ll sort a new one
Hi Andi,
Nothing in my spam folder. Please forward my password to my email address.
Hi Freeje, check your mail just sent you a new password 🙂
Hey Andi, i’ve signed up but no mail arrived after 24h, i’ve checked both inbox and spam folders :/ Btw, when the 3rd part of ZP 900 review is coming? I think i’ll order one before reading it…
Hi Alex I’ve been Uber busy, but hope to have part 3 up tomorrow.
@Alex sent you a new password 🙂
Thx Andi, I’ve got it 🙂
@Metanastis Awesome 🙂
Tried to register for Forum but keep getting 404 page unavailable message.