Samsung are pushing forward with their Note 2phablet which looks set to be this year’s best-selling large screen smartphone, but sales numbers could double if rumors that a dual-sim SamsungGalaxyNote 2 are true!
According to this article, Samsung are planning to enter the world’s largest smartphone market with an all new dual-sim version of their popular Note 2 phablet!
It this turns out to be true Samsung are going to be making a lot of Chinesephablet fans very happy, as currently the choice of a super large screen phone with great specification and great resolution is pretty limited in China at the moment.
The majority of the current crop of Chinese brand phablet which offer dual-sim support tend to be let down by their poor resolution and low specification rear cameras.
Source: GSMarena via Ubergizmo
Lets see if this rumour turns out to be true.
Andi, if this phone does come out, do you think its gonna be a GSM+GSM/WCDMA OR GSM+CDMA ?
I don’t imagine them making it only work on Chinese frequencies I suppose it comes down to component costs and if they are worried about a dual-sim note getting out on to the international market… I’m really not sure to be honest.