Great news (hopefully!) it is looking very likely that the Jiayu g3network license you have been waiting for will finally be awarded today so they can officially launch and sell the JiaYu G3 Android phone!
Jiayu g3 network license approval coming today?
JiaYu have announced that they expect to get their much-needed and long overdue network license today!
Finally after months of waiting loyal fans and expectant customers may actually be able to get their hands on JiaYu’s 4.5 inchHDphone.
And if news couldn’t get any better it does! As JiaYu have also announced that they have 5000 G3’s ready to ship once they receive all their necessary paperwork.
However, (you didn’t think we would get away that easily did you) for some unknown reason JiaYu have only made 5000 units although there are easily a lot more pre-orders meaning we are still in for a wait.
That said if you ordered a black JiaYu G3 you might have slightly more chance of getting the phone sooner rather than later as JiaYu (in all their wisdom) decided only to manufacture black phones!
More details as they arrive!
What does that mean for us, nonChina buyers?
(Good) things come to those who wait, i geuss…
@Andi where did you get yours?
please advise on trustworthy shops 🙂
Thanks 🙂
I’ve read on another article that the 5000 units they made are all black, so if you ordered another color you’ll have to wait :/
Oh it writen in the article, didn’t read the text under the advertisment, please delete my posts 🙂