Samsung have really left their mark on the Android phone market this year and as such have accumulated their fair share of knock off and clone phones. The latest is this SamsungGalaxyNote 2clone which costs just $150 and get’s JB!
The Star S7180 GalaxyNote 2clone is actually an updated version of Star’s older 5.3-inch phone, but with a faster dual-core MT6577 CPU, which brings with it dual-sim support and snappy performance despite it’s low price, and larger 5.5 inch display.
Screen – IPS yes or no?
Screen – IPS yes or no?
Screen – IPS yes or no?
Screen – IPS yes or no?
Looks a nice phone, may wait till the next CPU comes out.
Looks a nice phone, may wait till the next CPU comes out.
that is important .. Screen – IPS yes or no?
that is important .. Screen – IPS yes or no?