The Pebble Watch was very much in danger of becoming vapourware, however a recent FCC approval for the device could mean the smart watch will be shipping sooner rather than later.
The Pebble first appeared on Kickstarter in May 2012, where it was funded by backers in no time and looked set to launch in September. However, due to numerous delays the kickstarted project looked to be in danger of becoming nothing more than a start-up dream.
Thankfully for all those wanting to get their hands on a Pebble, plus all those hundred of backers, the Pebble has now turned up at the FCC where it received approval. The FCC were also kind enough to post photos of the watch internals too which feature a 32bit Cortex M3 CPU, a Sharp LCD display and Panasonic Bluetooth.
Thanks to JaySea for the tip!