Chinese phone maker Mogu are the current champions of super cheap Android smartphones. The latest Mogu S2 4-inch, dual-core phone for just $48!
Mogu have a range of Android smartphones all of which are aimed at the wallet friendly spectrum of the market. The all new Mogu Tiger S2 is their soon to be released entry-level phone, a phone perfect for those who just want a smartphone and don’t really care about having the latest hardware or fastest processors.
The S2 runs on a 1.2Ghz dual-core Spectrum SC8825 CPU, packs dual-sim standby, Wi-Fi, GPS, FM radio, Bluetooth and 4-inch display for just 299 Yuan ($48). Sure the M2 won’t be in the same league as other Chinese phones, and it runs Android 2.3 Gingerbread rather than Jelly Bean, but as a phone first and smart device second the Mogu M2 can’t be faulted!
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Good it runs android 2.3.
For a moment I feared I would have to buy one…
When uses Android 4.1
I buy 3 or 4 😀
To have spare phones in house
This phone would be perfect for myself. I don’t need the next latest and greatest phone. The is a lot to be said for simple.
one will think that 2.3 is somehow inferior…
4 needs at least 512MB ram in order run properly and has nothing important for 99% of users.
“has nothing important for 99% of users.” – Google Now?
Still looking where to buy a mogu s1 anyone has some info?
And where could we ever get a mogu s2 xD?
Kind regards,
as you post the news, kindly provide us the link too so that we can purchase.
Looks like a good cheap spare phone, what are the full specs?
I have to agree with a lot of the other people complaining about the lack of where to purchase these phones. You guys do a great job with providing the latest and greatest about phones coming out of the Asian market. I live in the US and would love to be able to have access to these phones but I’ve noticed that most of the time there’s no link? I understand that a lot of these phones are not out yet but this is kind of frustrating!? Why not listen to your valued fan base and create an updated “purchase link list” of devices that you blog about.
It is not out yet as said in the article 😛 still I know that feeling, reading this news I cant wait to get at least one of those! its around half as much as cheapest china dual core phone I could find, and looks like acceptable build quality too!
So, are there some hints on release date?
Shop online Mogu Tiger S2 ?