It’s not often that we write about Android tablets here, but when we get wind of a newAinoltablet like the Novo 7 Crystal, it’s hard to ignore it.
A few years ago Ainol pounced on the tablet world with their then new Novo 7 range of 7-inch tablets. The tablets represented great value for money and were actually one of the firstdevice to run Android ICS!
The Ainol Novo 7 range has evolved a lot since then and now comprises of a number of well priced devices all offering up to date hardware. The Ainol Novo 7 Crystal is one of the more popular models in the range thanks to the 1024 x 600 7-inch display, quad-coreCPU and large(isn) 3700mAh battery.
It also doesn’t harm matters that the Ainol Novo 7 Crystal 2 costs just over on $94.99 via online resellers such as Lightake! In fact the only thing we don’t like is the overly long name!