The smartphone guide to being less useless around the house

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For some men keeping on top of things comes naturally, while for others cramming in work, a social life and those essential day-to-day tasks around the house can prove a little more difficult. Thankfully, there are a wide range of 4G phones now available that might make it a little easier to stay on track.

In days gone by, guys would probably have to make a mental note of what they needed to get done before putting their feet up at the end of the day, or if they were particularly organised they might perhaps make use of a diary. But technology has changed all that. So if you’re the sort of man that struggles to know what chores you have to get done then you may find help could soon literally be in the palm of your hand.

There are a huge range of smartphones available to choose from, but if it’s a wide range of apps that you desire then the latest Apple handset could be the right choice. When it comes to selecting a pay monthly price plan there are a number of iPhone 5 deals on offer. The handset comes with a number of inbuilt apps that can ensure your day, week, month and year ahead stay on track and – of course – the App Store offers a massive selection of both free and paid for downloads that enable you to truly customise your device.

Features such as Clock, Notes and Calendar can all offer assistance to the more forgetful among us. The Calendar is particularly good for giving you a nudge. You can simply set up an Alert, a time and add a note telling you what you should be doing at any given moment. So if your other half is going away for the weekend but expects you have completed the washing, tidied up and done a bit of DIY by the time she returns then this is a great way to keep her off your back.

And when it comes to getting down to the handiwork itself you need not panic as the App Store offers free DIY-related downloads such as Home DIY with Craig Phililips (helping you with everything from using a power drill to wallpapering), a Stanley Level for ensuring everything is lined up as it should be and – if you’re a little short on tools – an easy to use Screwfix Catalogue.

Some of these applications and others have been previously been given the thumbs up by others, so why not pick up an iPhone 5 for yourself and become a little less useless around the house?

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