Hisense phones have generally been low-end, but well made smartphone options for those on a budget, but the new Hisesne EG986 proves they have what it takes to build a premium phone.
Unlike previous Hisense phones the Hisense EG986 is a staked phone! It offers pretty much everything a modern smartphone customer is looking for in a phone and leaves very little space for improvement.
Stand-out features of the Hisense EG986 included a 5.5-inch OGS display which boasts a full 1080 HD resolution of 1920 x 1080, 13 mega-pixel rear camera, 5 mega-pixel front and is even claimed to ship with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean!
A cheaper version named the Hisense EG980 will also be available with Android 4.2, 2000mAh battery, 2 mega-pixel front camera and 8 mega-pixel rear.
Hisense say the both phones will be available from August.
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