Although the Xiaomi Mi3launch is just a few day’s away, Xiaomi haven’t forgot about their current flagship phone and today have launchednew lens for the rear camera.
The lens kit consists of both a wide angle lens and a macro lens for close up photography. The detachable lens come in a rubber case and attach to the Xiaomi Mi2 or Xiaomi Mi2S via magnets which fasten to the steel ring around the rear camera.
It is interesting to see that Xiaomi have launched this lens kit as it could indicate a shift towards camera and lens technology in future devices. Could the Xiaomi Mi3 feature new lens hardware like the Oppo N1?
Back to the lens kit here, it is available in China through the official Xiaomi store for just 59 Yuan ($9) and I might try to pick one up to give is a test.
[ Xiaomi ]
sweet! i will try to order one as soon as possible, to try on my mi2s. its just a pain to order on that chinese website when you’re not chinese
i also want to add. for those who havent tried the mi2s camera, its really great in lowlight. its the best phone-camera i tried yet, mainly because of its lowlight ability. the aperture on its lens is F2.2, which is relatively fast for a phone (or even a digital point and shoot!)
Really??? only let down of my mi2s is rear camera. especially in low light. Plus flash doesn’t seem to work properly. I am using miuiandroid, stock app.