Ex-Nokia CEO, Thomas Zilliacus, has formed a new brand named Newkia and plans to build the Nokia Android phone we dreamed of but never had.
Not happy with the way Nokia had been heading in recent years, and it’s accusation by Microsoft, Thomas Zilliacus has decided to take action and build a phone company Nokia could have been.
Zilliacus plans to hire current Nokia heads and designers to work on the new Newkia brand which will focus on producing high quality phones, with great designs and of course Android OS!
No time frame has been put on the project, but let’s hope enough time passes for the company to think of a more fitting company name!
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they need to come up with a better name than newkia!
The bigger question is, will they have access to all the awesome IP that makes Nokia still worthy of a mention in the media? And by awesome IP I mean the PureView stuff?
If not, good luck, they’ll probably just be another Panasonic or Micromax, rebadging others’ phones.
Newkia???? it sounds like a Chinese company name who could build Nokia phones knock off! they should change the name first!
Totally agree
me too, sounds shitty
It’s sound like I’m gonna buy a new Kia …
Nokia + android = no thanks, Where is Meego ?
A) “I’ve got a NewKia”
B) “Really? I prefer Hyundai”
Terrible, terrible name!
What about Nokia + Android = NokDroid OR Nokan ???
I like Norkan, sounds like an Alien from a ‘B’ Movie
how bout, NOKAMSIA?
Lol. You won’t believe it but there is already a chinese brand called Hyundai that manufacture mouse, keyboards and I think phones too soon lol
Aren’t Hyundai Korean?
I think the point of the name is to make a statement. also it gives them publicity off the bat. another name may sound better, but you will remember this one
if they need fund, put it on kickstarter and they will have my money
this is the direction that Nokia should have gone
Terrible name!
I can see the legal eagles getting involved here once they’ve picked themselves off the floor and stopped laughing.
I hope naming sense doesn’t correlate to phone design, for their own good…
I would call the company “Anokia”, keep familiarity to Nokia and adds the A for Android..
And it would be first on the list when sorting by alphabet…
Some layers could complain it’s too similar though…
I got a NewKia.
“Where did you buy your new car?”
Seriously. NewKia. He could atleast have choosen a better name.
Its very simple he could use NOKYA and thats it…because the real name is NOKIA with an “i” so if they change the i to an “y”, its not against the law!!!!
And the name sounds like the original one!!!!
What about nokla any one wid ne
Where is this guy come from ? wearing red trouser …
I just want a good cell phone with dual sim. If it has a windows phone I don’t mind (I love the design but it just has support for one sim), if it is android and from the zibarro brother of nokia I don’t mind if it is good.
Anyway, it will be interesting 2 see what can do a nokia team with android where they’ve Samsung, HTC, Sony and a big number of competitors…
Perhaps he should partner with one of the up and coming Chinese brands, and inject the Nokia values of build quality, and the unerring ability to get three bars of signal where all others have none, and the Chinese selling prices, win win!
they’re too late. all that momentum they had was eaten up by the microsoft beast.
what about Nu-kia. Its still New kia but sounds better.
They should make them really square edged and call them BLOCKIA
LOL, this discussion seems like going until eternity.
What about just “NOK”
Guys at the NOKLA factory in China would be gearing up for some competition.
Chinese knock-off manufacturers will have a tough time to ‘shit-ize’ the name because it is already so shitty.
BTW *acquisition not accusation!
Ok, decision has been made, the final name: NOCKYA-head !
I remember seeing a Chinese phone called “Nokai”.
All the best to Thomas Zilliacus, hope you don’t crash and burn without patent support. How do the Chinese do it anyway?
Answer for meego (and mer) mybe can find in sailfish os for joolla http://jolla.com/
But (ihmo) it’s no more time for somerhing like this (also for other qt porting), mybe in future when we will sure that android will still alive after 5.x (beleve me).
NewKia has no sense for me not only for name.
The reason Are The same also for jolla: they Are to small and out of china (yeap you need a big big market now and China is The biggest).