Mediatek must have impressed someone at Samsung, as reports are coming in that the Korean Android giant is planning to adopt the latest 8-coreSoC the Taiwanese company.
Reports from Taiwan are stating that Samsung have confirmed that they will be using Meidatek’s 8-coreMTK6592 chipsets in devices in the future. Which devices the processor will find their way in to has not been revealed but they will likely be entry-level handsets and (possibly) tablets aimed at Asian markets.
This is great news for Mediatek, but it is going to be terrible news for smaller Chinese phone makers who already struggle to keep up with supply due to the demand of Mediatek chips. Adding Samsung to the mix is going to make this even tighter in the future.
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The recognition from Samsung is good for the prestige of Mediatek.
Prestige value combined with the supply shortage could lead to higher prices for us, the end user.
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