GooPhone, the infamous iPhone and Samsungclone maker, has opened an official onlinewebstore where international customers can buy their phones.
Located over at, the site offers the latest GooPhone Apple iPhone clones and accessories. Current models available are the GooPhone i5 and the plastic bodied GooPhone i5c. An iPhone 5S clone named the GooPhone i5S is listed as coming soon.
Knowing that Apple don’t take kindly to this sort of thing it will be interesting to see just how long the site stays open.
Hi Andi, great job with finding this info I love your website! Keep up the good work 🙂
I was wondering if you know about any other iPhone clones that sport the mtk6589 chip set and/or if you will be doing a review of one of these quad core iPhone clones to see if they are real or fakes? (Until now all the clones I have found of the iPhone are faked mtk6589’s in an tutu and are really just mtk6577 or worse …)