Today’s open sale of Xiaomi Hongmi and Xiaomi M2s phones has already ended with 100,000 phone sold out in just over 3 minutes!
The Xiaomi Hongmi continues to be a hot item in China with 100,000 of the 799 Yuan phones selling out in 3 minutes and 8 seconds, according to Xiaomi’s official Weibo account. Also available today was the Xiaomi Mi2S 32GB version which is still in stock and 20,000 dual-core Xiaomi Android set top boxes which are now also listed as out of stock!
It has been an amazing week for Xiaomi with 100,000 Mi3 phones selling out on Tuesday and now today’s impressive sales!
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still not there the WCDMA version?
Hi! I don’t know who to ask this question, that’s why I’m asking you maybe you could help me!
I love the Xiaomi Hongmi. Now, I asked my friend over in China to buy me a Hongmi. He resereved the phone successfully on 15 October and as the website stated that it will be sold on 18 October at 12 noon! He visited the website at 11:30 and was continuously trying till 12:30. He tried it again at 22 October, but the same happened i-e he got the message, “Sorry! The phone has been sold out”. Can you please tell me the best way I can tell him to order from ( successfully! Or if you know any place else in China where they sell it for the maximum price of 900 Yuan. I’m low on cash, that’s the reason why I’m not buying elsewhere!
Please Reply! I’ll be grateful to you!
Nothing he can do other than keep trying. Or he could go to a phone city and try and get one there, the price will be slightly higher though.
The going price for Hongmi is 1000 yuan from distributors. To buy it from xiaomi itself, you probably need a computer running a purchasing script and have low latency internet connection.
I always view the xiaomi advertized prices as whole sale price, while the price on taobao as retail price.
Thank you @Xingfenzhen! Can you please send me some links to the websites?