Find trusted online Chinese stores with the GizChina Chinese Store Directory

We are sure you are all aware that the problem with Chinese phones, phablets and tablets isn’t finding a great device, but finding a trusted Chinese store to buy them from! This is why we have created the GizChina Chinese Store Directory!

The GizChina Chinese Store Directory will act as the ultimate resource for customers interested in buying Chinese Android phones, phablets, tablets and gadgets to find safe, reliable and trustworthy stores to shop.

Chinese Store Directory with your reviews

We have set the directory up to show basic information about online E-commerce sites, stores and shops including the company URL, short description and logo, but the most important feature here is that you can write your own reviews of each online store! Reviews will be accompanied by a start rating allowing other readers to easily discover trusted stores so they can confidently make a purchase.

uredeal store directory article

Each review will be moderated to ensure no one is trying to fool the system, and to ensure no one is trolling, using bad language or generally abusing the resource.

Gizchina News of the week

Write reviews based on the level of service, the ability to answer questions, speed of response, even the design of their website! Anything which you believe would be of use to other online shoppers!

review sample article

Stores will be encouraged to get involved so they can see possible issues and improve their service. We also plan to award the best stores at the end of each year with the “GizChina Award of Approval” (a better name would be welcome) to further help prospective customers navigate the minefield that is Chinese online shopping.

Work in progress, suggest stores you want added

As you will notice we only have 29 stores listed at the moment, so feel free to send us your suggests for which online Chinese stores you want to see listed and we will do our best to add them.

More to come!

The GizChina Chinese Store Directory is just one helpful, and much needed resource we are adding to the site, more improvements and additions are coming soon!

In the meantime we hope you head over to the Chinese Store Directory, and start making constructive and useful reviews and comments to aid others!

Disclaimer: We may be compensated by some of the companies whose products we talk about, but our articles and reviews are always our honest opinions. For more details, you can check out our editorial guidelines and learn about how we use affiliate links.

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  1. October 22, 2013


    I bought several phones on website.
    He’s sure and with DHL items arrive in the announced time.

    • October 22, 2013

      I’ll add them this week so you can make a review

  2. Andrew
    October 22, 2013

    No ?

    • October 22, 2013

      Just started this, but will certainly add all those suggested! Thanks for your reviews by the way, just finished moderating them 🙂

      • chris
        October 27, 2013

        stay away from pandawill

        all sells fake or inferior product. as in copy of copies.

        just check out reviews from youtube about all chinese sites

        • kzm
          October 28, 2013

          i buy 3 phones from pandawill..they seem very good and trusted seller…the fedex rate to my country is cheaper than most others…
          place that i consider to buy chinese brand phone

  3. October 22, 2013

    Hi Andi,
    It’s a good initiative, thanks for doing this on a “world-wide” basis!
    I will deff check it and add my own experiences if needed. Cheers

    • October 22, 2013

      Awesome! Glad you like it 🙂

  4. John G
    October 22, 2013

    What a great idea!

    I hope to buy my first Chinese phone soon and am finding your reviews incredibly helpful. I’ve been watching which stores seem to be highly regarded but this is a far better way to buy with confidence.

    Thank you.

    • October 22, 2013

      Thanks! I really hope this helps and don’t forget to post a review when you have made a purchase 🙂

  5. October 22, 2013

    Hey Andi, i’m trying to add sites and comments, but it doesn’t work 🙁
    No PandaWill as well…

    PS: logging is still NOT functional 🙁

    • October 22, 2013

      BTW, if you need/want it, i’m collecting the “European” websites of Chinese brands as well. Maybe it could be another improvement to your directory, couldn’t?

      • October 22, 2013

        I have already added some European sites, happy to add more 🙂

    • October 22, 2013

      You are not able to add sites I will do it. If you tell me who you want to add I can add them. Not sure why you are still having the log in trouble, I will look in to it again.

    • October 22, 2013
  6. Pip_X
    October 22, 2013

    Why don’t just buy from They have many sellers with good rating with escrow service. Your money will not be in the seller’s hand until you got your phone in good condition.

    • October 22, 2013

      they have good/bad sellers too, but why not check all trustworthy stores and decide where to buy with the better price?

      • Pip_X
        October 23, 2013

        Because have escrow service. If you don’t receive or received bad phone, you can open a dispute and the money won’t go to seller.
        Other store once you paid, your money is with them no matter you receive the phone or not.

  7. gerardo
    October 22, 2013
    best service and best delivery time
    meet Mike the Manager over in china
    is Man you can trust

  8. nobitakun
    October 22, 2013

    Why no chinese only websites with no international shipping? I want a list of those trusted sites as well because they’re around 20-30% cheaper than those in english, and if you have a friend in china it’s a deal. We don’t want to give away money don’t we? Or maybe you’re getting something from them? Then it is understandable.

    Anyways, beside this, i think it would me nice to post about 100$ range mobiles instead of always xiaomi, oppo, meizu and expensive devices which are enough famous, so no need to talk about them. But again, if the case is to have the most number of visits then it is normal way.

    • October 22, 2013

      I can always add the Chinese stores too, not sure how useful it would be for most readers though

      • October 22, 2013

        It’s useful a bit to what the prices is at China… You can mark them with a * to know.
        Thanks Andi!

  9. October 22, 2013

    Nice idea Andi and good work.

    But I’m worried of the misuse of this tool by mischief stores/their agents to enter/review their +ve feedback to lure international customers. Then this tool/feature is be a nightmare for us to get trapped by the fakes.

    It would be better if the Chinese phone companies allow international buyers directly from their website by paying via CC/Paypal.

    • October 22, 2013

      I’m going to keep an eye on them to see what happens. If a company is bad though the real reviews will far outweigh any false reviews that do manage to slip by 🙂 I could add something which indicates if a store accepts Paypal

      • October 22, 2013

        maybe it would be great to only accept people who can prove that they bought something in the store… i don’t know how difficult is to make it, though

  10. chavv
    October 22, 2013

    Such DB of user-posted reviews/ratings will be great.
    Lets hope there won’t be false paid “visitors” as Beginner007 wrote.

  11. October 22, 2013

    This is so cool, well done man

    • October 22, 2013


  12. Alan
    October 22, 2013

    chinapadmall should be removed from that list. They are the most unprofessional company I have ever had to deal with. I emailed them and asked if they had the white neo n003 advanced in stock, they said “yes”. So i placed my order and then suddenly I have to “wait a few more days”. They stalled for around 3 weeks and asked If I would accept a black neo. I specifically said “no”, they asked me again a few days later and I said “no” again. After 28 days I requested a refund. 1 hour later I got a shipping notification saying my Neo had been shipped. I emailed and asked if it was the white neo and they said “no, we just sent you the black one” even after I repeatedly told them I didnt want black. I cant get a refund now as they have shipped me the black phone. Absolute nightmare of a company to deal with, I should have stuck to pandawill or merimobiles. STAY AWAY FROM CHINAPADMALL.

    • October 22, 2013

      This is what the directory is for. If you are not happy with a company give them an honest review and others will avoid them too.

      • October 22, 2013

        This is a Store Directory, not “Trusted Store Directory”, if it’s trustworthy (or not) you shold be able to conclude by yourself reading the reviews.

  13. October 22, 2013

    After playing around with your directory, may I make you a couple of suggestions about the TOC:
    1) it could be nice to have the number of comments beside the name of the shop
    2) it could be cool to have some kind of “% of satisfaction” as well: 1 star=1 point, … 5 stars=5 points then add all stars and divide by number of comments, percent of (roughly :P)
    This is quite similar to what eBay or AliExpress are doing…

    PS: for international sellers, someone suggested to add a “PayPal-friendly” sign as well: +1

  14. FTP
    October 22, 2013

    This is so very useful. Is it possible to add average rating score and number of reviews next to the site. This will help identify extreme cases where some stores are too good or too bad.

  15. Guest
    October 22, 2013


    I bought several phones on website.
    He’s sure and with DHL items arrive in the announced time.

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      I’ll add them this week so you can make a review

  16. Guest
    October 22, 2013

    No ?

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      Just started this, but will certainly add all those suggested! Thanks for your reviews by the way, just finished moderating them 🙂

    • Guest
      October 28, 2013

      stay away from pandawill

      all sells fake or inferior product. as in copy of copies.

      just check out reviews from youtube about all chinese sites

    • Guest
      October 28, 2013

      i buy 3 phones from pandawill..they seem very good and trusted seller…the fedex rate to my country is cheaper than most others…
      place that i consider to buy chinese brand phone

  17. pa5t1s
    October 22, 2013

    Hi Andi,
    It’s a good initiative, thanks for doing this on a “world-wide” basis!
    I will deff check it and add my own experiences if needed. Cheers

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      Awesome! Glad you like it 🙂

  18. Guest
    October 22, 2013

    What a great idea!

    I hope to buy my first Chinese phone soon and am finding your reviews incredibly helpful. I’ve been watching which stores seem to be highly regarded but this is a far better way to buy with confidence.

    Thank you.

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      Thanks! I really hope this helps and don’t forget to post a review when you have made a purchase 🙂

  19. pa5t1s
    October 22, 2013

    Hey Andi, i’m trying to add sites and comments, but it doesn’t work 🙁
    No PandaWill as well…

    PS: logging is still NOT functional 🙁

    • pa5t1s
      October 22, 2013

      BTW, if you need/want it, i’m collecting the “European” websites of Chinese brands as well. Maybe it could be another improvement to your directory, couldn’t?

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      You are not able to add sites I will do it. If you tell me who you want to add I can add them. Not sure why you are still having the log in trouble, I will look in to it again.

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      I have already added some European sites, happy to add more 🙂

    • pa5t1s
      October 22, 2013
  20. Guest
    October 22, 2013

    Why don’t just buy from They have many sellers with good rating with escrow service. Your money will not be in the seller’s hand until you got your phone in good condition.

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      they have good/bad sellers too, but why not check all trustworthy stores and decide where to buy with the better price?

    • Guest
      October 23, 2013

      Because have escrow service. If you don’t receive or received bad phone, you can open a dispute and the money won’t go to seller.
      Other store once you paid, your money is with them no matter you receive the phone or not.

  21. Guest
    October 22, 2013
    best service and best delivery time
    meet Mike the Manager over in china
    is Man you can trust

  22. Guest
    October 22, 2013

    Why no chinese only websites with no international shipping? I want a list of those trusted sites as well because they’re around 20-30% cheaper than those in english, and if you have a friend in china it’s a deal. We don’t want to give away money don’t we? Or maybe you’re getting something from them? Then it is understandable.

    Anyways, beside this, i think it would me nice to post about 100$ range mobiles instead of always xiaomi, oppo, meizu and expensive devices which are enough famous, so no need to talk about them. But again, if the case is to have the most number of visits then it is normal way.

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      I can always add the Chinese stores too, not sure how useful it would be for most readers though

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      It’s useful a bit to what the prices is at China… You can mark them with a * to know.
      Thanks Andi!

  23. Shakil
    October 22, 2013

    Can anyone in the UK vouch for a website for me to use?

    • reidyuk
      October 28, 2013

      I use focal price,
      bought 2 tablets from there and they both came in excellent condition in 2 weeks and working

    • Phuzion
      February 22, 2015 with DHL shipping. Very fast to UK with good customs dodging tactics. I know this post is old but still reference for anyone else wanting to know.

  24. Guest
    October 22, 2013

    Nice idea Andi and good work.

    But I’m worried of the misuse of this tool by mischief stores/their agents to enter/review their +ve feedback to lure international customers. Then this tool/feature is be a nightmare for us to get trapped by the fakes.

    It would be better if the Chinese phone companies allow international buyers directly from their website by paying via CC/Paypal.

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      I’m going to keep an eye on them to see what happens. If a company is bad though the real reviews will far outweigh any false reviews that do manage to slip by 🙂 I could add something which indicates if a store accepts Paypal

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      maybe it would be great to only accept people who can prove that they bought something in the store… i don’t know how difficult is to make it, though

  25. Guest
    October 22, 2013

    Such DB of user-posted reviews/ratings will be great.
    Lets hope there won’t be false paid “visitors” as Beginner007 wrote.

  26. murray
    October 22, 2013

    Great idea Andi , i have read some reviews and already see some patterns .Left my own for , you may want to amend the heading as you have their web address as lighttake with two “t”s should only be one.


  27. Guest
    October 22, 2013

    This is so cool, well done man

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013


  28. Guest
    October 22, 2013

    chinapadmall should be removed from that list. They are the most unprofessional company I have ever had to deal with. I emailed them and asked if they had the white neo n003 advanced in stock, they said “yes”. So i placed my order and then suddenly I have to “wait a few more days”. They stalled for around 3 weeks and asked If I would accept a black neo. I specifically said “no”, they asked me again a few days later and I said “no” again. After 28 days I requested a refund. 1 hour later I got a shipping notification saying my Neo had been shipped. I emailed and asked if it was the white neo and they said “no, we just sent you the black one” even after I repeatedly told them I didnt want black. I cant get a refund now as they have shipped me the black phone. Absolute nightmare of a company to deal with, I should have stuck to pandawill or merimobiles. STAY AWAY FROM CHINAPADMALL.

    • Guest
      October 22, 2013

      This is what the directory is for. If you are not happy with a company give them an honest review and others will avoid them too.

    • Guest
      October 23, 2013

      This is a Store Directory, not “Trusted Store Directory”, if it’s trustworthy (or not) you shold be able to conclude by yourself reading the reviews.

  29. pa5t1s
    October 22, 2013

    After playing around with your directory, may I make you a couple of suggestions about the TOC:
    1) it could be nice to have the number of comments beside the name of the shop
    2) it could be cool to have some kind of “% of satisfaction” as well: 1 star=1 point, … 5 stars=5 points then add all stars and divide by number of comments, percent of (roughly :P)
    This is quite similar to what eBay or AliExpress are doing…

    PS: for international sellers, someone suggested to add a “PayPal-friendly” sign as well: +1

  30. Guest
    October 22, 2013

    This is so very useful. Is it possible to add average rating score and number of reviews next to the site. This will help identify extreme cases where some stores are too good or too bad.

  31. Guest
    October 23, 2013

    Can anyone in the UK vouch for a website for me to use?

    • Guest
      October 28, 2013

      I use focal price,
      bought 2 tablets from there and they both came in excellent condition in 2 weeks and working

  32. Guest
    October 23, 2013

    Great idea Andi , i have read some reviews and already see some patterns .Left my own for , you may want to amend the heading as you have their web address as lighttake with two “t”s should only be one.


  33. October 23, 2013

    Awesome, finding a good seller has definitely been one of the hardest parts.

  34. John Tan
    October 23, 2013

    Bought a TCL from this site Not really a store, but a purchasing agent based in Singapore. Delivered what they promised. Happy.

  35. Guest
    October 23, 2013

    Awesome, finding a good seller has definitely been one of the hardest parts.

  36. Guest
    October 23, 2013

    Bought a TCL from this site Not really a store, but a purchasing agent based in Singapore. Delivered what they promised. Happy.

  37. Yash Garg
    October 24, 2013

    I get my phones from AliExpress, and other low cost stuff from DX.

    • vikas gupta
      October 24, 2013

      Yash how do you order things from aliexpress. And in which city do u reside
      I live in jaipur and my experience with aliexprees or actually with custom people is very bad.
      I had once ordered a watch from aliexpress .it got stuck at FPO . It was a 20 $ watch for which I was forced to pay 600 rs bribe and 500 rs duty. That too after 4 days of torchurous round to those ppl.that whole dept is very corrupt .they decall every item from china.
      And from that day I try to resist my urge to buy any thing from china.

      • Yash Garg
        October 25, 2013

        Hi Vikas,
        Whenever it’s a phone or high-valued object I always choose DHL. Recently ordered a 30$ watch as well (another in transit atm), via HK post but there was no issue with customs or anything like that. It really depends on your luck… can’t help! How did you get your watch shipped?

        • vikas gupta
          October 25, 2013

          Via china post bro.n bro using dhl can we skip customs part

          • reidyuk
            October 28, 2013

            on both occasions I’ve used China post and got through customs.
            I bought a tablet from chinabuye and paid dhl,it came broken and lost 80 gbp

  38. Yash Garg
    October 24, 2013

    I get my phones from AliExpress, and other low cost stuff from DX.

    • Guest
      October 25, 2013

      Yash how do you order things from aliexpress. And in which city do u reside
      I live in jaipur and my experience with aliexprees or actually with custom people is very bad.
      I had once ordered a watch from aliexpress .it got stuck at FPO . It was a 20 $ watch for which I was forced to pay 600 rs bribe and 500 rs duty. That too after 4 days of torchurous round to those ppl.that whole dept is very corrupt .they decall every item from china.
      And from that day I try to resist my urge to buy any thing from china.

    • Yash Garg
      October 25, 2013

      Hi Vikas,
      Whenever it’s a phone or high-valued object I always choose DHL. Recently ordered a 30$ watch as well (another in transit atm), via HK post but there was no issue with customs or anything like that. It really depends on your luck… can’t help! How did you get your watch shipped?

    • Guest
      October 25, 2013

      Via china post bro.n bro using dhl can we skip customs part

    • Guest
      October 28, 2013

      on both occasions I’ve used China post and got through customs.
      I bought a tablet from chinabuye and paid dhl,it came broken and lost 80 gbp

  39. October 25, 2013

    Hi ANDI and all..
    just OOT, i want to ask ANDROID keyboard QWERTY thats good…

    I think the Blackberry is best keyboard qwerty, but if you guys have one,
    please info me

    thank you very much

  40. Guest
    October 25, 2013

    Hi ANDI and all..
    just OOT, i want to ask ANDROID keyboard QWERTY thats good…

    I think the Blackberry is best keyboard qwerty, but if you guys have one,
    please info me

    thank you very much

  41. Allanitomwesh
    October 26, 2013

    Very Nice Andi,well done.
    To add on what has been said
    1) Number of comments and % of satisfaction next to name of the store would be great
    2)Prioritize review from people who can PROVE they bought something from the site much like “Amazon Verified Purchase” review
    3)You can call the award “Gizchina Approved Award (Year) ” which is an annual award in Gold, Silver and Bronze for the top 3 best sites by favourable review,noting what standout feature got them there , for example “Gizchina Approved 2013 Gold Award Fastest Order Processing” Gizchina Aprroved 2013 Bronze Award Best Communication” “Gizchina Approved 2013 Silver Award Best Website Design” and so forth. Then next year they can stand to defend the title,and in good fashion 5 years in a row gets you a “Gizchina Elite Award” which has no year on it,and cements the site as reputable.

    • October 26, 2013

      Great ideas! Thanks alot 🙂

      • Allanitomwesh
        November 3, 2013

        Hey Andi,”the latest store reviews” bit doesn’t show which store the reviewer is talking about. Please fix.

  42. Guest
    October 26, 2013

    Very Nice Andi,well done.
    To add on what has been said
    1) Number of comments and % of satisfaction next to name of the store would be great
    2)Prioritize review from people who can PROVE they bought something from the site much like “Amazon Verified Purchase” review
    3)You can call the award “Gizchina Approved Award (Year) ” which is an annual award in Gold, Silver and Bronze for the top 3 best sites by favourable review,noting what standout feature got them there , for example “Gizchina Approved 2013 Gold Award Fastest Order Processing” Gizchina Aprroved 2013 Bronze Award Best Communication” “Gizchina Approved 2013 Silver Award Best Website Design” and so forth. Then next year they can stand to defend the title,and in good fashion 5 years in a row gets you a “Gizchina Elite Award” which has no year on it,and cements the site as reputable.

    • Guest
      October 26, 2013

      Great ideas! Thanks alot 🙂

    • Guest
      November 3, 2013

      Hey Andi,”the latest store reviews” bit doesn’t show which store the reviewer is talking about. Please fix.

  43. tweetycontrabajo
    December 13, 2013

    Banggood accepts paypal, and the star is missing in list.

  44. Guest
    December 14, 2013

    Banggood accepts paypal, and the star is missing in list.