GooPhone have just updated their English store to include details of the GooPhone S4 Max, an 8-core, 6.44-inch phablet.
Chinese consumers just can’t get enough of their large screen phones and it is becoming quite normal to see people wandering around the streets with phones that exceed 6-inches! More cores is another popular trend here too, so for their latest device GooPhone have combined the two to create the GooPhone S4 Max!
Based on their previous phablets, the S4 Max sports a 6.44-inch 1080 display, 13 mega-pixel rear camera, 5 mega-pixel front, 2GB RAM, 32GB memory and Android 4.2. What sets the Max apart from other phablets though is the 2Ghz 8-core Mediatek MTK6592 processor!
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The GooPhone S4 Max is currently listed as out of stock on the webstore where it will eventually go on sale for $399.99.
Thanks to Richard for the tip!
why is there so much price difference between the chinese site and english site.? are u sure they are from goophone and not some resellers?
The same goods, sell at different prices, Profits earned in different ,my friend
Anyone ever had any problems buying from the Goophone site? I’m quite interested in this phone and just want to check that the website is legit.
long time ago ,goophone x1 is really a bad phone , but now the
S4 Max is really good one !!
Sold Out! 🙁