Huawei has been making some big plays as of late. It recently released its greatest flagship phone yet, the Ascend P6, and received some great reviews for its efforts. Now it looks like it might be up to something even more ambitious. Earlier today our friends at Ā uncovered a Trademark filed by Huawei for something called the “PhoPad” which, under goods and services is listed as “Mobile Phones; tablet computers; protective cases for mobile phones; protective cases for tablet computers”.
What is the PhoPad? We can only speculate but by judging the trademark paperwork, it seems safe to assume that Huawei is either planning to make at least two devices under the name, a tablet and a phone or it is planning to release a hybrid of the two. Perhaps, as UbergizmoĀ speculates, it is the rebranding of Huawei’s Phablet line, the Ascend Mate.
The “protective cases” mentioned in the trademark and the name certainly brings to mind images of ASUS’s Padfone series, which allows for phones to be placed in a tablet shell, but that wouldn’t explain what the “protective cases for tablet computers” are. It seems just as likely that Huawei might be releasing two traditional devices, a phone and a tablet, under the PhoPad name, each with their own officially licensed cases.
We will be sure to update you as soon as we get more information on what this PhoPad is. You can see the entire trademark at ubergizmo.
Sounds like something i would order at a thai restaurant
Sounds like something i would order at a thai restaurant