Indian Phone developer XOLO has jumped into the 7-inch tablet market with the XOLO PLAY Tegra Note. The new tablet, built in conjunction with Nvidia, looks to compete directly with Google’s Nexus 7 and Apple’s iPad Mini. The XOLO PLAY Tegra Note is set to launch in India on December 16th and is already on presale at the Indian e-Commerce site Flipkart.
The XOLO PLAY Tegra Note packs in the quad-core Nvidia Tegra 4 CPU clocked at 1.8GHz, 1GB of RAM, 16GB on board memory which is expandable up to another 64GB, a 1280×800 7-inch screen, a 5MP back facing camera, a 0.3MP front facing camera, Nvidia “pure audio” which XOLO claims makes it the “deepest, richest sound and widest frequency range in a tablet” and a bundled stylus that takes advantage of the tablet’s built in “Direct Stylus Technology”.
That last bit, along with Nvidia’s name, helps the XOLO PLAY Tegra Note stand out from the other “me-too” 7-inch tablets. It provides what looks to be far better art and writing tools than most consumer tablets. It still doesn’t look to be anywhere near the level of a WACOM tablet, but it is perhaps a nice middle ground for consumers. XOLO also claims this is the world’s fastest 7-inch tablet due to the Nvidia 4 Tegra processor, but as any computer geek can tell you, the other components matter just as much as the CPU and we will have to see how the XOLO PLAY Tegra Note performs considering it has half the RAM of the similarly priced Nexus 7.
The XOLO PLAY Tegra Note is on presale at for Rs. 17999 (290USD, 211EUR). For comparison the 2013 edition of the Nexus 7 currently goes for Rs. 20990 on Flipkart.
This is a re-badged Chinese OEM product called ‘Homecare Flyone Tegra Note’, which you may purchase at Aliexpress at less 240 USD, which is 50 USD cheaper than XOLO.
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I have been using mine for two weeks now mainly for note taking. Still not smooth as sometimes palm rejection does not work. Hopefully will get fixed with the 4.3 update. Tried Real Racing 3 and play was smooth. Heard that some are having problems connecting controllers. Overall, good value for money especially if they iron out the kinks. Beats the Note 8!
If they had a 10.1 inch tablet, thats for me. I dont like the idea of a 7inch tablet. Thats quite close to a 5 inch smartphone.