Earlier this year koobee jumped into the ring of inexpensive quad-core phones with the koobee MAX X7. Back in late September the Chinese phone manufacturer announced an upgrade to the MAX X7, dubbed the MAX X7T. The new phone, which actually costs 200 CNY less than the MAX X7 at its release adds dual SIM support and an extra GB of RAM.
The original koobee MAX X7‘s look is unchanged in the new phone. As is its 1920 x 1080 5-inch full HD screen, its MTK6589T Cortex A-7 quad-core CPU, 2000mAh battery and cameras (13MP rear 5MP front). What has changed, is its RAM has been upgraded from 1GB to 2GB, its on board memory jumped from 8GB to 16GB and it now supports dual-SIM cards, making overseas travel with the phone much more convenient. The new MAX X7T also only costs 1399 CNY (230USD ,169EUR) while the MAX X7 cost 1599 CNY when it was first launched.
The koobee MAX X7T should be coming to the normal retailers that carry koobee phones shortly. If you are looking to get ahold of one as soon as possible, the Chinese site pcpop.com seems to be carrying them.
Like the original, the MAX X7T also comes in both black and white and runs Android 4.2.