If you have found the standard AOSP gallery in your CM install to be ‘lacking ‘ then you are not alone, and the CyanogenMod team do also so have decided to launch GalleryNext.
GalleryNext is available for beta test (once you join the CyanogenMod communities) and is available to download from Google Play. Unfortunately for me both my Oppo N1 and Xiaomi Mi2 aren’t permitted to download the app according to Google Play store so I have been unable to try it, but some of the new features include the ability to view all your images in a central location, connectivity with services such as Facebook, Dropbox and Google+, GIF support, Video playback,
Plus more.
The current beta GalleyNext doesn’t have the ability to edit, crop or rotate images, but we hope these features will be added in future builds.
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To add the my previous comment: Android Open Source Project…
Kind of embarrasing to make the same mistake twice 😛