In a revelation of sorts, the business head of Micromax has quit and is reportedly headed towards another startup that’s had newfound success — China’s very own OPPO.
First reported by BGR India, Ajay Sharma, who was heading business operations for Micromax until now has now quit. Sharma had previously given up his HTC post (India operations) to join Micromax, a company that saw massive success in recent months in India. Micromax has been in the news of late thanks to its expansion into the Russian market. Folks at BGR India spoke to Sharma, who confirmed his step down as Business Head of Micromax.
This comes just about in time for Sharma; OPPO will be holding an event in India in 2 days from now on the 30th of January to mark their entry into the emerging Indian market. BGR India also said that they have confirmed that 3-4 employees apart from Sharma have resigned alongside him. It cannot be determined at the moment if the other employees will be joining OPPO as well.