Huawei have launched their first mid-range 4G LTE phone in China, however with this hardware we would rather stick to a better equipped 3G phone.
The Huawei G716 is possibly the most affordable 4G LTE phone available on the Chinese market, but it is still far from being a bargain. With a 5-inch 720p display, just 1GB RAM and 8 mega-pixel main camera the 2888 Yuan ($476) price tag seems to be unjustified, especially when you consider the quad-core Huawei Honor can be had with a similar specification and 2GB RAM for just 998 Yuan ($164)!.
The Huawei G716 will soon be joined by the 4G LTE equipped Huawei Ascend Mate 2 later this month which will cost over 3000 Yuan with a 6.1-inch display.
[ Source ]
For that price and those specs I wouldn’t touch this one with a ten foot pole! Lol or a stripper pole for that matter lol. 4G LTE is the only thing that caught my attention. Now if they can just design a device that has a 1080P 6 inch screen, 4G LTE, 2-4gb’s ram & 32-128gb’s storage, snap 800 or octacore 2ghz for 1/2 the price, then I’m interested. Mission Impossible for them to build for that price you say? I believe they can pull it off!
For half the price and the kind of specs you’re suggesting, we’re talking about a sub-250 USD super phone here 🙂 Not even Nexus 5 is as powerful, and as cheap as that. You’d be hard pressed to even find Nexus 4 for that price brand new.
While I’d welcome such a device, I don’t think it’d be that realistic. Well, maybe in 2016, by then Snapdragon 800 has become outdated, and Snapdragon 800 (or equivalent) phones will be priced very cheaply. This year, Xiaomi can probably come close with their Mi4 (or Mi3S?), maybe sub-400, but definitely not sub-250. Vivo Xplay 3S has close to the (or better) specs you’re suggesting (and LTE), but sports a price tag closer to 600 than 300.
Let’s not even talk about Samsung here. For 250, you may not even be able to buy the S3.
Don’t laugh but for the last one and a half to two years, I’ve been buying Galaxy s3’s & no te 2’s for $150-$200 off Craigslist. With of course an ad that I would post every couple days with my prices. People would call me everyday and we’d go from there. Whatever I wound up buying from the people that contacted me would be listed on ebay. I did fairly well, selling items for 2-2 1/2 times what I paid for them. Though I dislike eBay & PayPal, I kept doing it. Until I made a stupid greedy mistake which put me in the red with PayPal. Selling a couple of new s3’s to Russian buyers (bastards!) who claimed several months later that they never received anything. If that’s the case then why didn’t they send me an email the entire time asking what happened to the items. That’s a huge red flag right there, not to mention that in the beginning they asked me to ship it as cheaply as possible unfortunately I ate it hook line and sinker. There was my first stupid move.
Anyway what I’m trying to say is that even with the note 3 being fairly new I have seen them on Craigslist as low as $200 like new. Unfortunately something went wrong between me and the buyer today and we never wound up meeting. I think it was mostly my fault, he wanted me to drive an hour away and I didn’t feel like doing it! So he sold it to the next person that came up to bat. I hate people like that, but of course other people probably hate the fact that I didn’t drive an hour to get a couple of phones that cost $700 for 200 bucks each. well I say “phuck” them! They should meet me 1/2 way…
You see again I’m getting away from the topic, lol what I’m trying to say is, don’t say that these things are not obtainable for the prices that I’ve mentioned. I’ve just giving you examples of how it is possible regardless if they’re not brand new and sealed in the box! I could give a s**, people still pay through the nose for these things as long as they don’t look like somebody played hockey with them lol. I usually only try to deal with like new items anyway. I hope I’ve made my point lol I know I’ve been all over the place with this lol
Well, if you want to talk about used phones, then all bets are off 🙂 I thought we were talking only about the pricing given by the companies (as in brand new), in which case that, even a 3 year old Galaxy S3 would still cost above 250 (or maybe a little, but not much, less, if you are lucky). iPhone 4S still costs about 450 bucks, brand new. I wonder why anybody would ever pay that kind of price for that phone…
I agree, I could care less about iPhones… There’s nothing wrong with a lightly used Phablet though. All of our note 2’s are used and were LIKE NEW when we bought them. Never had any functionality issues or failures =). Made good $$$ selling on fleabay lol…
Sorry, I got carried away with blowing off a little steam about bad business. anyway if this website allows Craigslist links, I can even show you proof! Galaxy Note 3’s can be bought between two and three hundred dollars if you’re patient and fast to act. I’ve missed quite a few of them because I caught the add later than sooner, and gave the other guy a chance to grab it before me! I have to figure out how to set up Craigslist alerts.
For that price and those specs I wouldn’t touch this one with a ten foot pole! Lol or a stripper pole for that matter lol. 4G LTE is the only thing that caught my attention. Now if they can just design a device that has a 1080P 6 inch screen, 4G LTE, 2-4gb’s ram & 32-128gb’s storage, snap 800 or octacore 2ghz for 1/2 the price, then I’m interested. Mission Impossible for them to build for that price you say? I believe they can pull it off!
For half the price and the kind of specs you’re suggesting, we’re talking about a sub-250 USD super phone here 🙂 Not even Nexus 5 is as powerful, and as cheap as that. You’d be hard pressed to even find Nexus 4 for that price brand new.
While I’d welcome such a device, I don’t think it’d be that realistic. Well, maybe in 2016, by then Snapdragon 800 has become outdated, and Snapdragon 800 (or equivalent) phones will be priced very cheaply. This year, Xiaomi can probably come close with their Mi4 (or Mi3S?), maybe sub-400, but definitely not sub-250. Vivo Xplay 3S has close to the (or better) specs you’re suggesting (and LTE), but sports a price tag closer to 600 than 300.
Let’s not even talk about Samsung here. For 250, you may not even be able to buy the S3.
Don’t laugh but for the last one and a half to two years, I’ve been buying Galaxy s3’s & no te 2’s for $150-$200 off Craigslist. With of course an ad that I would post every couple days with my prices. People would call me everyday and we’d go from there. Whatever I wound up buying from the people that contacted me would be listed on ebay. I did fairly well, selling items for 2-2 1/2 times what I paid for them. Though I dislike eBay & PayPal, I kept doing it. Until I made a stupid greedy mistake which put me in the red with PayPal. Selling a couple of new s3’s to Russian buyers (bastards!) who claimed several months later that they never received anything. If that’s the case then why didn’t they send me an email the entire time asking what happened to the items. That’s a huge red flag right there, not to mention that in the beginning they asked me to ship it as cheaply as possible unfortunately I ate it hook line and sinker. There was my first stupid move.
Anyway what I’m trying to say is that even with the note 3 being fairly new I have seen them on Craigslist as low as $200 like new. Unfortunately something went wrong between me and the buyer today and we never wound up meeting. I think it was mostly my fault, he wanted me to drive an hour away and I didn’t feel like doing it! So he sold it to the next person that came up to bat. I hate people like that, but of course other people probably hate the fact that I didn’t drive an hour to get a couple of phones that cost $700 for 200 bucks each. well I say “phuck” them! They should meet me 1/2 way…
You see again I’m getting away from the topic, lol what I’m trying to say is, don’t say that these things are not obtainable for the prices that I’ve mentioned. I’ve just giving you examples of how it is possible regardless if they’re not brand new and sealed in the box! I could give a s**, people still pay through the nose for these things as long as they don’t look like somebody played hockey with them lol. I usually only try to deal with like new items anyway. I hope I’ve made my point lol I know I’ve been all over the place with this lol
Sorry, I got carried away with blowing off a little steam about bad business. anyway if this website allows Craigslist links, I can even show you proof! Galaxy Note 3’s can be bought between two and three hundred dollars if you’re patient and fast to act. I’ve missed quite a few of them because I caught the add later than sooner, and gave the other guy a chance to grab it before me! I have to figure out how to set up Craigslist alerts.
Well, if you want to talk about used phones, then all bets are off 🙂 I thought we were talking only about the pricing given by the companies (as in brand new), in which case that, even a 3 year old Galaxy S3 would still cost above 250 (or maybe a little, but not much, less, if you are lucky). iPhone 4S still costs about 450 bucks, brand new. I wonder why anybody would ever pay that kind of price for that phone…
I agree, I could care less about iPhones… There’s nothing wrong with a lightly used Phablet though. All of our note 2’s are used and were LIKE NEW when we bought them. Never had any functionality issues or failures =). Made good $$$ selling on fleabay lol…
How can I purchase a Huawei G716 4G LTE in the United States?
How can I purchase a Huawei G716 4G LTE in the United States?