Xiaomi’s new offices have a cafe, customer center, slide and wooden houses!

Xiaomi’s new offices are nearing completion and as an early sneak peak they have released some photos of the inside.

To celebrate being name the 3rd most innovative company in the world, Xiaomi have released photos of the inside of their new offices. The new office features a customer service and experience area, Coffee shop, Cafeteria, relaxing tree lined corridors, wooden shacks and even the token slide every start-up has to have.

xiaomi office

Inside Xiaomi’s new offices

We would certainly feel happy working in an environment like this how about you?

[ Xiaomi ]
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  1. Qidamin
    February 14, 2014

    is it the one in Wangjing area? my office is just behing, I should go to check!

  2. highwind
    February 14, 2014

    Given the ridiculous waiting times for their phones, Xiaomi customers probably need this kind of recreational space…

    • china fan
      February 14, 2014

      Lol more gizchina xiaomi hype coming soon. More pointless xiaomi news. They launched the idea for this office in 2000 so like their phones they are consistant with their release timings. Problem is only 1000 people can get in the office at a time but that shows how popular they are caus it was full in under a minute.

      • February 14, 2014

        I think you both misunderstand Xiaomi. The only phone I know of which was delayed from Xiaom is the Mi3 with Snapdragon CPU and that was Qualcomm’s fault not Xiaomi’s. The waiting times you experience are due to the fact that Xiaomi phones are only officially available in China and in limited numbers. If you are outside of China and upset about the time you have to wait for a Xiaomi then you can blame the fact that they are hugely popular in China.

        • PeterXiaomiPan
          February 15, 2014

          I think you misunderstood “China fan”s comment. This website is like Xiaomi’s bitch. When Xiaomi post a picture of the Eiffeltower on a blog, there will be a full review on Gizchina. I own a Xiaomi phone, but hell, they are pure thieves. I do not run their Miui rom, it is just stolen work from the Cyanogenmod team and a stolen look and feel from iOS. Xiaomi is nothing more then some vague Chinese phone manufacturer which thinks it can compete with Samsung/Apple. There is a reason why they don’t go international 😉

          • XiaomiPeterPan
            February 15, 2014

            On topic: I do not know who did their indoor decoration, but it looks TERRIBLE hahahah, I didn’t even look at the pictures before I post my comment(I just thought Xiaomi news blablabla), but hell.. Who ever did that job does NOT know what he/she is doing lol!

        • highwind
          February 16, 2014

          I strongly disagree with you in this points:

          – It is definitely not Qualcomms fault! Other Snapdragon 800 smartphones like the Note3, Xperia Z1 and LG G2 are available (and most noteably “in stock”!) in large quantities for over half a year now! The only reasons why “we” dont get any Snapdragon Mi3 is purely because of the artifical supply shortage on Xiaomis side to increase the subjective wealth (the “wanna have”-factor) of their phones (it is the same strategie Apple applies with every new iPhone)
          – If Xiaomi does not have any interrest in the markets outside of China, why do they release WCDMA phones at all?
          And why do they start advertising their Mi3 in english language and USD prices (which are far off from reality) for nealry 9 month now? The truth is they want to sell big internationally but refuse to care or take any responsibilty for that market!

          After all the WCDMA/Snapdragon Mi3 is probably one of the worst “high end” phones one can buy in Europe atm!
          Other Snapdragon 800 phones (like the ones mentioned above) are commonly available, offer LTE, offer better warranty and generelly far better specs (LG G2 being super compact although having a larger display, Xperia Z1 beeing water and dust resistant, Note3 offering a pen/stylus) and a far less expensive aswell… I have seen all of them for about 350 Euros in the last weeks, while the generally worse Mi3 is nearly 450 Euros with taxes (if you ever can get one in the first place)

          And thats not a Mi3-issue, it is exactly the same with the Hongmi… The WCDMA version isnt available for less than 180USD and very rare to come buy while compareable widely available smartphones with the better processor (MT6582) and otherwise similar stats (4.5-5″ display, 1280×720, 1GB RAM, 4GB ROM, dual-sim) are 140-150USD.
          It always makes me laugh everytime I read “Is XY a real Hongmi killer?” because I am postiv it has to be without even looking at it, because there is virtually no sub-200USD phone which offers WORSE price/performance than the overrated and overhyped Xiaomi phone.

  3. Qidamin
    February 14, 2014

    is it the one in Wangjing area? my office is just behing, I should go to check!

  4. Tiah Oon Tjoe
    February 14, 2014

    As much as i hate xiaomi for their crazy delays for their smartphones…they are undoubtedly producing some excellent phones. I can relate and understand the frustration of international Xiaomi Fans, but given that their devices prices are so cheap….i don’t think they can compare with international companies such as samsung or sony just yet…give them another few years…

  5. provokanter Tabellenführer
    February 14, 2014

    Given the ridiculous waiting times for their phones, Xiaomi customers probably need this kind of recreational space…

    • Guest
      February 14, 2014

      Lol more gizchina xiaomi hype coming soon. More pointless xiaomi news. They launched the idea for this office in 2000 so like their phones they are consistant with their release timings. Problem is only 1000 people can get in the office at a time but that shows how popular they are caus it was full in under a minute.

    • Andi Sykes
      February 14, 2014

      I think you both misunderstand Xiaomi. The only phone I know of which was delayed from Xiaom is the Mi3 with Snapdragon CPU and that was Qualcomm’s fault not Xiaomi’s. The waiting times you experience are due to the fact that Xiaomi phones are only officially available in China and in limited numbers. If you are outside of China and upset about the time you have to wait for a Xiaomi then you can blame the fact that they are hugely popular in China.

    • Guest
      February 15, 2014

      I think you misunderstood “China fan”s comment. This website is like Xiaomi’s bitch. When Xiaomi post a picture of the Eiffeltower on a blog, there will be a full review on Gizchina. I own a Xiaomi phone, but hell, they are pure thieves. I do not run their Miui rom, it is just stolen work from the Cyanogenmod team and a stolen look and feel from iOS. Xiaomi is nothing more then some vague Chinese phone manufacturer which thinks it can compete with Samsung/Apple. There is a reason why they don’t go international 😉

    • Guest
      February 15, 2014

      On topic: I do not know who did their indoor decoration, but it looks TERRIBLE hahahah, I didn’t even look at the pictures before I post my comment(I just thought Xiaomi news blablabla), but hell.. Who ever did that job does NOT know what he/she is doing lol!

    • provokanter Tabellenführer
      February 16, 2014

      I strongly disagree with you in this points:

      – It is definitely not Qualcomms fault! Other Snapdragon 800 smartphones like the Note3, Xperia Z1 and LG G2 are available (and most noteably “in stock”!) in large quantities for over half a year now! The only reasons why “we” dont get any Snapdragon Mi3 is purely because of the artifical supply shortage on Xiaomis side to increase the subjective wealth (the “wanna have”-factor) of their phones (it is the same strategie Apple applies with every new iPhone)
      – If Xiaomi does not have any interrest in the markets outside of China, why do they release WCDMA phones at all?
      And why do they start advertising their Mi3 in english language and USD prices (which are far off from reality) for nealry 9 month now? The truth is they want to sell big internationally but refuse to care or take any responsibilty for that market!

      After all the WCDMA/Snapdragon Mi3 is probably one of the worst “high end” phones one can buy in Europe atm!
      Other Snapdragon 800 phones (like the ones mentioned above) are commonly available, offer LTE, offer better warranty and generelly far better specs (LG G2 being super compact although having a larger display, Xperia Z1 beeing water and dust resistant, Note3 offering a pen/stylus) and a far less expensive aswell… I have seen all of them for about 350 Euros in the last weeks, while the generally worse Mi3 is nearly 450 Euros with taxes (if you ever can get one in the first place)

      And thats not a Mi3-issue, it is exactly the same with the Hongmi… The WCDMA version isnt available for less than 180USD and very rare to come buy while compareable widely available smartphones with the better processor (MT6582) and otherwise similar stats (4.5-5″ display, 1280×720, 1GB RAM, 4GB ROM, dual-sim) are 140-150USD.
      It always makes me laugh everytime I read “Is XY a real Hongmi killer?” because I am postiv it has to be without even looking at it, because there is virtually no sub-200USD phone which offers WORSE price/performance than the overrated and overhyped Xiaomi phone.

  6. Tiah Oon Tjoe
    February 14, 2014

    As much as i hate xiaomi for their crazy delays for their smartphones…they are undoubtedly producing some excellent phones. I can relate and understand the frustration of international Xiaomi Fans, but given that their devices prices are so cheap….i don’t think they can compare with international companies such as samsung or sony just yet…give them another few years…

  7. larwee
    February 16, 2014

    I am a huge Xiaomi fan and have resold a couple of them already…it is amazing how people sit in the comfort of their rooms and make sweeping comments about Xiaomi not being able to compete with Samsung and Apple. That’s retarded!

    Xiaomi is just 3 or 4 years old now as a company and it is even selling more phones than those two companies in China! That is progress, please respect it guys. If your three year old kid runs faster than you, then you should admit that you’re big for nothing. Besides convince me why i should get a Samsung s4 for $800 or that low spec’ iPhone 5s for nearly $900 instead of an Mi3 for $400? Even when we know that spec’ for spec’ the mi3 is better?

    What Xiaomi promises in their device and particularly the Mi3 is a unique beautiful design, excellent harware, high-end technology and an awesome user interface and experience. And they deliver just that! What else do you want from a mobile device? And someone said miui is based on Cyanogenmod, even if that is true, so what? Steve Jobs and Worzniak never invented the ‘mouse’, they took the prototype from IBM and reinvented the design and usability…and you call them genius! You talk about samaung even after they paid over $2billion for design theft?

    I can’t understand people, Mi3 WCDMA was delayed due to slow production pace by Qualcomm and we all know that but Xiaomi must take the blame anyway just to massage some haters ego? C’mon! Now Vivo xplay 3s too is being pushed back…so these things are so unique to Xiaomi.

  8. larwee
    February 16, 2014

    I am a huge Xiaomi fan and have resold a couple of them already…it is amazing how people sit in the comfort of their rooms and make sweeping comments about Xiaomi not being able to compete with Samsung and Apple. That’s retarded!

    Xiaomi is just 3 or 4 years old now as a company and it is even selling more phones than those two companies in China! That is progress, please respect it guys. If your three year old kid runs faster than you, then you should admit that you’re big for nothing. Besides convince me why i should get a Samsung s4 for $800 or that low spec’ iPhone 5s for nearly $900 instead of an Mi3 for $400? Even when we know that spec’ for spec’ the mi3 is better?

    What Xiaomi promises in their device and particularly the Mi3 is a unique beautiful design, excellent harware, high-end technology and an awesome user interface and experience. And they deliver just that! What else do you want from a mobile device? And someone said miui is based on Cyanogenmod, even if that is true, so what? Steve Jobs and Worzniak never invented the ‘mouse’, they took the prototype from IBM and reinvented the design and usability…and you call them genius! You talk about samaung even after they paid over $2billion for design theft?

    I can’t understand people, Mi3 WCDMA was delayed due to slow production pace by Qualcomm and we all know that but Xiaomi must take the blame anyway just to massage some haters ego? C’mon! Now Vivo xplay 3s too is being pushed back…so these things are so unique to Xiaomi.