You may have already seen this video of Hugo Barra speaking to LeWeb, but if you haven’t it certainly is worth a watch as he give you a real insight at the sheer scale of things here in China.
I’ve lived in China for 10 years now, and take for granted many of the amazing, insane and sheer astonishing things I witness on a daily basis, so watching this video of Hugo Barra speaking about his move to China and the phenominal growth of Chinese software and hardware companies was really refreshing!
During the presentation we hear about some of Hugo’s favourite aspects of China, learn some amazing facts and figures about Chinese tech companies and hear a little bit about Xiaomi and their future plans.
Hugo Barra Speaks aboout Chinese Tech
It’s great to see how excited Hugo is about China, and let’s hope we hear more about Hugo’s plans for Xiaomi’s international growth over the coming months.