A short video of a guy about to be dragged along on his BMX by a car could be the second teaser at a rumoured repair service HTC has in the works.
Last week, Valentines to be precise, HTC posted a photo on their Twitter showing a couple of HTCOne phones with the screen’s smashed. The Tweet read;
If only broken hearts were this easy to fix. Details 2/18.
Tech sites took this to meaning that HTC could be on the verge of announcing a new repair service, maybe not as exciting as the leaks for the HTCOne 2 but important for anyone who has ever suffered the horror of a broken smartphone.
So now on the eve of the official details the following video has been posted.
Obviously something is going to to horribly wrong in the daring stunt which could result in the destruction of the daredevils HTC One! Another head nod at a repair service? We’ll find out later.
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