Cubot is known as a maker of cheap (but good quality) dual simsmartphone models. Their latest is the octacoreCubot X6, and we have an exclusive hands on!
Before we begin I want to let you all know that this version of the dual simoctacoreCubot X6 is not a production model so don’t be surprised if there are a few bugs. Overall though with our short time wiht the phone it has been stable and overall very useable.
Dual SIM Cubot X6 hands on video:
Cubot X6 specifications
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Cubot X6 first impression – Octacore dual SIM smartphone
First impressions are great. Although the Cubot X6 is a low-cost phone the design is great and the quality of plastic is above what you would expect.
An octacore processor at this price is pretty incredbile but you might have some concerns about the performance. From our time with the phone though we can say the Cubot X6 performs as well as any other octacorephone currently on the market.
The bright 5-inch display has a resolution of 1280 x 720, more than enough at this price. Viewing angles, image quality and brightness are non-issues. It’s quite remarkable Cubot have managed to produce a phone with this hardware at such a great price.
I’ll leave if there for now and will update you in the near future with a full in depth review. As mentioned above this is a pre-production version of the phone, but retail versions will be available soon, and tinydeal (who sent us this sample for review) have set up a pre-sale page for Cubot X6 with more details of the phone. The phone will be ready to ship in the middle of March.
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