JiaYu are listening carefully to their International customers and have added support for further WCDMA bands on the JiaYu G2F.
The JiaYu G2F is one of the most anticipated low-cost Android smartphones from China this year. Pricing is going to below anything else we have seen so far, yet specifications are on par with what other companies have to offer. After announcing specification details of the WCDMA JiaYu G2F a few days ago, JiaYu have contacted us once again to announced changes.
JiaYu have now added more supported WCDMA frequencies to their mid-range, Hongmi slayer. The JiaYu G2F will now support WCDMA 850/2100MHz or 900/2100MHz plus GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz. We have also passed on your comments about the screen resolution and await a response on this.
In other news JiaYu have also announced that GizChina.com is now their official media partner! So more exclusive GizChina news will be on the way soon!
[ JiaYu ]
All leading Chinese brands have their own webstore for customer. Why JiaYu is not having their own store ??? Direct company store, where international customers get more peace of mind to buy and find more reliability.
Guess they are not equipped to make all the necessary work for an export model (_Like resellers).
They need to take the basic Unicom chinese model and do some manual work on it : to change the ROM .Add Playstore and the rest of Gapps. Manufacturers make money on hardware not software
Its a lot of work
# George
If they can’t work on software side atleast they should work sales wise. I mean they can have their company website like Zopo or Xaiomi, where in customers across the globe buy from their company website. I have seen over the years that the products from China are evolved very fast in terms of quality but still the many people burn their hands buying those products from shady online stores and eventually with 3~4 experiences give up buying Chinese brand products. If I am wrong correct me.
Isn’t it easier to put these band in the Chinese G2F,and maybe an international ROM flash with no Chinese apps,than to start a new production line to change the screen?
If they add more frequencies, launch even that quickly the G2, G2s and G2T/+.. Why don’t offer us choice with the G2F? Want OGS? Pick the G2F albeit with lower resolution. Want 720p? Please choose G2Fs or G2F+ ie JiaYu please let us choose as customer between quality of the screen or screen resolution. Such thing would be a great resolution for us, the customer!
I would still love to see the regular HD screen vs WVGA OGS screen comparison. The pixel count difference is obvious but what about angle viewing and screen visibility under direct sunlight? Is it worth the resolution drop?
At 540p I would still consider it, but 480p IMO renders the phone useless to those of us who mostly use it for reading…
It would be awesome if you could also tell them to release the source code of their devices
This is useless until they decide to give the screen an update or until they decide to also launch, well say a Jiayu G2F+ WCDMA which DOES have the HD screen…
At least thumbs up for Gizchina, let’s hope some more chats might change the mind of the peope at Jiayu ^^ (Allthough I don’t think so..)
Plus, the Jiayu F1 and G2F won’t differ that much if they decide to keep the screen the lower resolution. It would mean paying 30$ more for some extra ram…. Lets see
– WCDMA 850, 900 and 2100 MHz
– Screen 4.7″ 1200 x 720
Be happy!!
Jiayu G2f 4.3″ @ 854x480px = 228ppi
ZTE v967s 5″ @ 960x540px = 220ppi
SGS II 4.27″ @ 800x480px = 218ppi
I had v967s and 220 ppi was more than enough. Screen technology and quality brings few extra points to bare resolution numbers. Come on guys! What would you like for the price this low? An iphone?
220 ppi induces headaches to me when I have to read for a long time on it (which I often do), moving away from galaxy s2 was one of the best moves I ever made. Having said that I can see why other people wouldn’t care, bbut it’s clear that jiayu is shooting themselves in the foot there. A bit of a pity because it is/was the best budget phone ever, even its thickness was alright, 10mm means it fits perfectly in the palm…
Good for you If you think that 220 ppi si enough
For me (and my eyes), 300 ppi is the reference.
I want the jiayu g2f already sold for chinese but wcdma. As for the price, i expect it to be around 140$ for international shipment.
At jiayu-store.com they have the price set at $99.90 + $12.40 for shipping (worldwide) but the phone is not in stock yet.
I’m expecting an eventual hd version at 140 or 150$. As for this version (480p), It may be around 100$.
For 100$, and for the specs announced, i would certainly take a phone already sold in europe (acer, wiko) for the waranty !
I doubt they’ll put out and HD WCDMA version of this phone, especially when they’ve just released the G3C.
I was hoping this would be the $120-ish Jiayu phone where only one of the selling points would be sacrificed: either the metal body or the HD screen. Unfortunately they sacrificed both to go under $100.
you’re probably right … i’ll wait a few more days and if they maintain these specs, i’ll buy a G4 then.
Is there an official store fore Jiayu ? the best prices i found are on aliexpress.
Nice move from jiayu making a phone that work in america, thanks for supporting WCDMA 850/2100MHz or 900/2100MHz plus GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz , this a real interantional phone i think this phone will be sell a lot .
learn from this xiaomi with the hongmi and huawei with the honor 3C that didn’t make a real international version of this phones
The highlights of this phone, which caught the eyes of all international fans was the Price bracket, massive battery & a 4.3′ hd screen all packed in a MTK6582 phone. Lewa Os would be an added advantage for the international buyers.
Jaiyu have totally disappointed us with the degraded resolution similar to what samsung has done by choosing the same old crappy ugly design for the S5.
We are now in 2014 Jaiyu and everyone are intelligent to know how good they are going to invest their money. So give us the product that matches our expectations and win the MARKET automatically!!!…
Is there a chanse for Polish language pre-installed?
Come to Philippines Jiayu we need cheap but quality CP here..
Scam on most sites, they list 720p, so beware it’s actually only 480p not 720p. Worthless phone then.
is there any news about the screen resolution? i dont get it, is the screen now 854x480px( = 228ppi) or is it 1280x720px( = 342ppi) ???
Then, would the G2F GSM version work with 3G usb modem (900 Hz) OTG?
It is cheap to write 900/2100 and end up with 2100 only at best for WCDMA varsion.
I bought such a phone. After one week usage the WCDMA went wrong, but yesterday it was good. Now only possible to use the phone 2G in both slots. (GSM mode) Other case only emergency calls accepted…not abe to join to 3G network.
I don’t know why. If somebody know any fix please share with me. Possible to die the 3G module inside the phone or …?