Gone are the days when Xiaomi sold its phones out in just a few minutes, today it took over half an hour for the Beijing phone maker to shift the first batch of Redmi Note phones!
Still 100,000 phones in just 34 minutes is damn impressive, and faster than most phone makers manage to sell their latest hardware to customers. The Xiaomi Redmi Note is the latest in the range of affordable Mediatek phones from Xiaomi. Two variants of the phablet are available, with prices ranging from just 799 Yuan.
The Redmi Note packs a 3200mAh battery, 13 mega-pixel main camera, dual SIM, octacore Mediatek processor and has options for either 1GB or 2GB RAM.
[ Source ]
Ha ha, sarcasm much Andy? 🙂 This is a miraculous achievement.
It is defintly not. I bet you, if Apple would only have a batch of 100.000 iPhone 6’s it would be sold out in less then a minute! Same probably goes for Samsung S5. And those phones are a lot more expensive. The only difference is, when Apple launches a phone, they have 10 million ready for sale, Samsung plans on having 7 million S5’s for the launch date!
Use your brain lol.
iPhone 6 is not comparable to the Xiaomi Note…
use your brain rofl
Well it is a phone isn’t it? -_-
If you really didn’t understand my comment…. well I then I feel sorry for you :/
It really isn’t that hard to understand Xiaom’s marketing.
Yes it’s a phone, my point was more related to the brands you mentioned. Apple and Samsung have far greater brand recognition and awareness over Xiaomi, not to mention a much longer track record.
So for me, from a brand perspective, they are really not comparable. If Xiaomi ever adopts a different sales model (more in line with Apple or Samsung) and can be more readily available, then it becomes a different story. I don’t know what happened with their Note thing, maybe it’s just not that appealing as their other devices have been?
Also, I don’t think the ONLY difference is the amounts of units available to purchase at launch. If anything, the scarcity of product somehow makes it more desirable.
The Note is a phablet.
Phablet, phone, there is no official definition of a phablet. Besides, Samsung Note would do the trick. Lol.
That’s because Apple and Samsung have amazing cocksuckers like you. Xiaomi sold out 100’000 Xiaomi Mi3s in 1 minutes and 37 seconds. They then went on to sell 3000 MiTVs in 1 minute, 57 seconds and 100000 RedMis in 1 minute, 30 seconds. Considering Xiaomi ONLY sold those in China and don’t have AS MANY cocksucking fanboys like you, that is a miraculous achievement.
And don’t forget the time they sold 200’000 Xiaomi Mi2S in 47 seconds. Anything to say now?
Have you actually read the article? The title? “Xiaomi losses its edge! Takes an agonising 34 minutes to sell 100,000 Redmi Note”, my comment and his? It looks like you didn’t.
So you can play the little smartass and be all offensive but you are just being stupid. You’re own argument is only supporting mine. Now go back to school and this time finish your school.
PS: I never used an iPhone / Samsung phone, currently using a M2S… So really everything in your comment is just wrong lol. You made me laugh though ^^
You just tried to argue with the wrong person. In your comment, you clearly stated the following.
“It is defintly not. I bet you, if Apple would only have a batch of 100.000 iPhone 6’s it would be sold out in less then a minute! Same probably goes for Samsung S5.”
Other than the glaring grammar and spelling problems, you are clearly stating that Xiaomi selling 100’000 Redmi Notes in 34 minutes is “defintly not” a miraculous achievement only because Samsung and Apple can do better. I’m not arguing about the Redmi Note, you see. I’m arguing that Samsung or Apple selling 100’000 phones in under a minute is not a miraculous achievement when Xiaomi have managed over 200’000 in 47 seconds despite the obvious lack of brand recognition and international availability. I’m saying size = expectations, and Apple selling 100’000 in 1 minute? Not an achievement.
Also, I’m glad I made you laugh. That’s what petty internet arguments are for anyway. 🙂
Before you start to whine about grammar skills: “WHY WON’T IT READ?!?!?!” Lol.
Yes in my intial argument I used Apple and Samsung as an example. But then you came by with the Xiaomi example which is a far better argument.
Like I said, you’re own argument supports mine. I also remember the news on here about Xiaomi selling a certain amount of phones in under a certain amount of time. 200.000 in 47 seconds? Fine. Than that supports my argument about this (100.000 in 34 minutes) not being a miraculous achievement.
Got it 😉 ? I guess I picked out the right person to argue with. Thanks for the tip 🙂
I see what you mean. Now I feel dumb. XP .Ah well, it’s getting late where I’m from, I and I don’t think this is going anywhere. Truce? I have cookies. 🙂
Still didn’t make it any easier for us in North America to get it 🙁 You can be assured though that the first batch of Mi3S phones will be sold out in less than 10 minutes…
By the way, the title should be “Xiaomi loses its edge…” as opposed to “it’s”. 😀
haha nice screen name 😉
Heard this batch of sales is for the ‘low’ version. ‘Hi’ version not available yet. This could be the reason for the ‘slow’ sales as some may want to hold their horses for the ‘Hi’ version…