Over the past few weeks OnePlus have managed to receive around 140,000 entrants for the Smash the Past campaign, but criticism has also been an issue to the point that the rules have now been changed.
Originally the idea was that OnePlus would choose 100 entrants who would then be required to create a video of themselves smashing their phone and pay $1 to receive a new 16GB OnePlus One. Now the rules have been altered so that chosen entrants will have the choice to either create a smash video or donate their current device to the Medic Mobile charity (a much better idea).
OnePlus will announced the 100 selected entrants tomorrow on their forums.
[ OnePlus ]
First the forum prize goofup, now this! The way the OPO guys have been handling this from the start has been messy! They’re certainly not creating a good impression of themselves.
Very unfortunate that the product itself being at a good bargain has to see through all this muck.
everything went according to their plan as of now. i see nothing wrong with their moves?
what goof ups? back in time, Meizu did kind off the same when they started and look how demanding they’ve become for china atleast with the MX3
I agree.
I am one of their forum members and the post number prizes all went helter-skelter.
And then their controversial invite based selling system.
Then the phone smash, and with this change now. Maybe because it drew a lot of flak.